Youtube and Gmail

Why did you provide the advice to manually download RPMs and install them per file-manager, then?
That is exactly the opposite (and wrong) approach! And @panfila marked that answer of yours as “solution”. :slightly_frowning_face:

Is the exercise for me? :slight_smile:

Yes, because you wrote:

Another time the wrong approach, IMO: Duplicating inferior answers is making this forum “huge” without proper content, cross-linking to the correct answer is the way to go!
I.e. here: “2 ways to install” with one leading directly to update-hell (because it is not sustainable, as update detection and installation must be performed completely manually) is describing one way too much.

Just install youtube vanced apk

sorry, doesn’t work on my Xperia 10 / SFOS 4.3 . Microtube starts and finds search results, but on starting one of them the wheel starts turning and never loads anything and never starts playing.
What can be the reason for this? What have I done wrong ?

Great i have one more question i try to install one game "archero” and installed well create icon in menu but the game required a google service is it have way to work without this because when i try to start it star but then show me info message required google service and then crash and start over again same is for chat client “Confide”.
One more question is have a way to lie google service for example to find some apk files “microG” and "Google play services” and to install and to lie system or doesn’t work like that ?

Tell me some solutions please.

I think it is a case when written words are not helping to understand each other. I meant that in post 9, in replying to YOU I had in mind “Storeman” but mistakenly wrote “open repos”.

By itself it does not harm your system and still has some use cases. I have chosen to use it once or twice despite its downsides. E.g, I am very conservative on the number of apps I want to have installed on my phone. When I wanted one single app from Freedroid, I did not want to install a store just for it: I downloaded the apk. No updates? I did not care for that app, so everybody should evaluate case by case for themselves. If instead you want to say in general it is not the best way, I will agree with you.

That’s why I first suggested to go the Storeman route as the best way, and only if he didn’t want to install that, to download the RPM. Not a sin to give an old shoe if you say it is old. The person might still take it for whitening his house, he chooses. And you promptly helped me describing the shoe :slight_smile:

Not my doing… I asked him to mark the other solution instead. I have also edited my post to point to it. What else? Wait… I can edit it more to make things even more clear… Fixed! Hope it works for you too.

Well, in short, I was asking to help me help the OP, since I could not do it the proper way.
Quite different from someone who opens a duplicate thread because he’s not willing to perform a search beforehand, don’t you think? I have a ridiculous amount of reading time on this forum and despite that, you won’t find a single thread opened by me so far. That is because I always searched and found places where my same problems where being already discussed. So may we say being assigned an exercise was a bit cruel? Especially during holiday time? :slight_smile:

This is quite an interesting matter. I have to both agree and disagree. It depends. If the link points to a concise, clear solution as the one you found for Storeman, that’s just fine. Many other times answers are scattered through lengthy threads and hard to follow for technically impaired people like myself. So a kind of “recap” can be useful at times. And I still believe it’s better if a solution is always given or pointed to, even if you want to “educate” the person who didn’t perform a search, because that thread will still appear in future searches, it won’t disappear. Imagine you search for “Working Youtube client” and get 10 results. In the first 9 you find a lot of “this was already discussed, search better, you are the flagger, go back to Android!” plus some half-unrelated discussion (similar to this one) that you still read, in the hope something for you is there. So you open the 10th thread and bingo, you find what you were looking for. Wouldn’t you be better off if, instead, many posts had a link or a recap of the solution?

Enough hijacking. If you want to further discuss this specific point we’d better do it in a new thread. And let’s not forget to search beforehand… we don’t want a duplicate right on this :wink:

I’d really like to help but I don’t know, if the app starts it is likely a problem with Microtube, not with the way you installed it. It’s working fine on my XA2 4.2. I used to get that circle with the previous version of the app but then it got fixed, are you on the latest version? Have you tried a reboot? And especially, the dev of Microtube was kind enough to give us a solution in post 19, did you try that one as well?

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@enrish You have XA2 / 4.2, and I have X10 / 4.3 . There are some differences. More than one app stopped working since the step from 4.2 to 4.3 , and/or new version of app was needed. So, as the next update is coming soon, I’ll better wait and see if it’s better with 4.4 .

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A lot of stuff works just fine in a browser : Even Gmail :laughing:

But somehow everybody seems to have forgotten that they have a browser since the whole apps hype ?!

Horrible… :frowning: