Can’t say I have a lot to money to do so, but I’d definitely interested as well 
Well, all these answers give me a bit confidence back indeed, but I am still a bit worried about the support for some a bit more (modern) devices, I can’t seem to get a new Xperia 10 III here for a reasonable price (if at all) and obviously for the IV or V there is no evident information.
On a side note, if there would be even a very little more smartphone models officially supported I am sure that SFOS would get way more public attention. I absolutely see the problems involved with that, but I often heard rumors in the last years that Sony was supposed to leave the Smartphone sector entirely like they did with the notebooks and it would be nice not having to rely on a single manufacturer either way.
And hey on my Volla phone I very much have everything needed for my daily usage. Mail client is working flawlessly, same as camera for both pictures and videos.
Ok, Whisperfish hangs a bit here and there, but also came a long way already (big thanks again for this great project).
After a little messing with it I got PureMaps for navigation with speech support running, I have a musicplayer which even connects nicely with my car.
Usually I need to charge it every 2 1/2 days, which is not bad either.
I never tried to run android apps although I missed a bit support for Threema (well, native messenger support definitely needs some work yet for most people I suppose).
Sometimes I need to restart network to get the browser working again, but overall it’s pretty rare.
In short: everything I need for daily usage is working absolutely fine and that on a not even officially supported device (thanks piggz!).
I know quite some people who would switch instantly if there would be a little more devices (and especially manufacturer) to chose from.
Btw, is there a list somewhere to overview better which devices are community supported? To check this out in Github seems to be rather impossible to me.
Guess I’ll try digging some more for a 10 III meanwhile then.