Xperia 10 IV vs Xperia 10 V

Eeek. For SFOS and continent-wide connectivity, I might be that guy. Or maybe if I could snag a used model after a few months, I’d be. After all, I’m an N900 owner, and those were some serious coin in the day. I do have an “I void warranties.” t-shirt, and since I don’t use any Android apps, the performance specs don’t matter much. The camera . . . yeah . . . that’s the one thing that might give me pause if the SFOS implementation really sucked.

But to make sure this post is still on-topic, it bums me out that the Xperia 10 III, IV and V all support fewer than half the North American frequency bands as the Mark II. And AFAICT, only mono speaker sound (possibly the 10 V has stereo, TBD). I was majorly surprised when my 10 II suddenly grew stereo sound after flashing SFOS! I used the darn thing for a week on Android (shudder) to make sure it worked, and never found any indication that it was stereo-capable. And believe me, I looked. Now that’s an upgrade I can enjoy.


If anyone is feeling particularly optimistic then the 10v is available for a modest £269.99 right now:

Comparison of Specs suggests that I would prefer the Xperia 10 IV over the 10 V (see discussion above). Only price an availability would be reasons to go the 10 V route
However, improved HW support for the 10III would be my most preferred option.
I hope very much that Jolla can afford further improving HW support

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I think at this stage in the game with Jolla’s resources there is no way they will release a supported 10iv release when there is limited availability (already!) and the 10iv has the full benefit of a year of Sony’s marketing budget and production guarentee.

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I doubt we see mk4 or mk5 support ever.
Buy mk3 if you want SFOS

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you might be right, but if that was the choice i was facing i would walk away.
a 10iii with zero updates is not a viable prospect, might as well jump ship.

as an existing user i’d probably stick around for a year or so, but as a prospective buyer i’d simply turn around and walk away.

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What do you need? I have fewer bugs on the 10iii than the XA2 [1]. Main concern for me is security issues but I’m guessing the community can patch those. Another concern was Revolut, but they turned out to follow dangerous practices, so I’ll leave them regardless.

Absolutely no chance of 10 v support within the next 6 months. Maybe 25% chance of 10 iv support.

As long as the main community developers stay interested in working on Sailfish, I think we’ll be fine. Nobody’s going to release a better mobile OS than Sailfish in the next 5 years.

[1] most of which were due to a broken installation


lol. What do i need?

I need a living breathing platform that will continue to evolve with the requirements of:
a) security fixes as cve’s are exposed
b) feature growth to meet the needs of the audience of the day (not what sufficed some years ago)
c) architectural growth to follow the development of the libraries and standards the platform depends upon
d) hardware growth so the platform continues to be available on the handsets that are available at the time [I] need a new phone
In short, a future!

The ‘community’ is not going to build this out of the ashes of SFOS. It needs a Jolla, a Jolla with a financially viable future selling a mobile OS. I’ve still got my N900 in the draw next to me, right next to the N9 and XA2 Plus, i know how this works.


The future is not within our control. Whilst we don’t seem to know why Jolla voluntarily entered administration, I’m talking about the apparent chance Jolla don’t survive and Sailfish isn’t continued/opened.

Android and iOS, apart from ripping off Sailfish’s look & feel, have hardly changed in the last 6+ years.

We have community ports for newer phones already. If needed, we can find a way to copy over App Support.

Aside from security fixes, lack of 5G support will start to bite in a couple of years.

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Well hopefully ,fingers crossed, they decide to support the 10 iv. I have one brand new sitting in the draw patiently waiting for almost a year now. Do not want to use android or ios . Came from n9 to xa2 ultra and xa2 to a 10 plus and havent been able to make or receive any calls due to the 3g shutdown for over a year now. Living on texts, voicemail and a few watsapp calls.

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Xperia 10 V binaries have just been released on Open Devices. Anybody wants to take on this one?


You make good points, but the “financial bet” you need to take with sailfish is from 0€ to 50€.
I believe it’s worth the effort or “risk” to stick with it until it doesn’t fit you anymore.

agreed. totally.

i have put my ‘bet’ on a 10iii - and been happy using it for the last year.

what comes next? 10v… Sure, i’ll buy that too. just as I have with the; Xperia X licence (used) / XA2 Plus licence (used) / Xperia 10 licence (not-used) / 10ii licence (not-used).


If we’re talking about a community adaptation of the 10 V, I wonder if it might be better to jump on Thaodan’s efforts with the Xperia 1/V and maybe push for the mkII.
Although these devices are more expensive, the higher spec should give better longevity to any port.

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I am talking about an official port with community contribution, as was suggested for the Xperia 10 IV.

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It looks like Jolla had been working on 5G for a while and now have it kind of working. It unfortunately breaks App Support so might not appear in the next update.


It works in SFOS but have issues with the AppSupport, maybe with next version they’ll put it

Getting this thread up again:

Seems like there is work being done on the 10 IV after all


Apart of the external differences, I’d be curious to know how different are internally the IV and the V versions, in terms of chipset or other key components.
As, minor differences could give a hope that it won’t be a major effort for Jolla to keep both (sub-)models supported and updated.


Posted a status update over here Xperia 1 IV, 5 IV and 10 IV support - #259 by rainemak