Xperia 10 iii: make Google assistant button a camera trigger

To make up for it a bit, I have proposed a pull request to Jolla.


I added it for my personal use at GitHub - RikudouSage/sailfish-os-patched-mce: Mce patched for SailfishOS to make use of the assistant hardware key but everyone feel free to use it. Itā€™s automatically built using GitHub Actions and downloadable in the Artifacts section of every build (example: Remove arm version Ā· RikudouSage/sailfish-os-patched-mce@b806b59 Ā· GitHub).

As nephros said, donā€™t just download system stuff without knowing what youā€™re doing, at the very least check that the build script (sailfish-os-patched-mce/build.yaml at master Ā· RikudouSage/sailfish-os-patched-mce Ā· GitHub) doesnā€™t do anything shady.

Edit: Added a patchmanager patch that enables using the button as a flashlight toggle.


can this but just be configurable?
One would set it for camera, other one for flashligt, another for that guest account.

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It is, unless you enable the patch in patchmanager it works simply as home button.

That would be a nice app or settings menu entry


The patched mce has been updated for latest SFOS version ( Download for example here.


What I havenā€™t seen here is an option to immediately start the camera while the phone is on. Or is there a way to?
Also, imho the swipe from lockscreen is too slow for when you really need to get a quick shot.


Can it produce a stripped version? The current non-stripped version boosts the binary by +300 kB or so.

Not sure itā€™s worth the time to lower the size by 300 kB, but if you know how to feel free to create a pull request.

The problem is that for now I actually donā€™t know how to :wink: as I am totally not familiar with all these online tools. Anyway, the non-stripped binary seems to work perfectly fine, so maybe indeed itā€™s not worth the hassleā€¦

As mentioned above, there is a PR, and some discussion has happened, and the groundwork of a solution has been laid.

That solution does not need/use MCE, and it can be done on a running device by editing and replacing three files.

After that you have a Camera button, like proposed in the original post.


UPDATE 2: Added process_name in cfg to handle a pid check to avoid duplicate processes from running. Requires correct cmdline; cfg updated below.

UPDATE: Fixed issue where command will launch immediately after closing if the button was pressed. requires full cmdline.

Hereā€™s a ā€˜testā€™ solution that doesnā€™t require having a holder and could be run as an independent service: GitHub - Logic-gate/Keymapper at testing. You will need to build libconfig yourself.

Demo: One Time File

Assist button config; keymap.conf
command; keymapper -s /dev/input/event3

// Not recommended to run keymapper as root,
// Provide full correct-cmdline e.g /usr/bin/invoker -s -n -d 5 --type=silica-media,silica-qt5 -A -- /usr/bin/jolla-camera
// Otherwise the process will never die

name = "TEST CONFING";
keymap = {
        assist_button = {
                proc = "Camera Starting...";
                trigger = 457;
                process_name = "/usr/bin/jolla-camera"
                cmd = "/usr/bin/invoker -s -n -d 5 --type=silica-media,silica-qt5 -A -- /usr/bin/jolla-camera";

Hereā€™s an arch64 build of libconfig: 295.8 KB folder on MEGA I am just waiting for @pamoedo to respond before pushing it openrepos.


Hereā€™s the official package: Keymapper | ā€” Community Repository System.
Libconfig has also been added to openrepos here: libconfig ā€“ C/C++ Configuration File Library | ā€” Community Repository System


It works
By the way, how to start flashlight with the button?

You could try something like this

// Not recommended to run keymapper as root,
// Provide full correct-cmdline e.g /usr/bin/invoker -s -n -d 5 --type=silica-media,silica-qt5 -A -- /usr/bin/jolla-camera
// Otherwise the process will never die

name = "TEST CONFING";
keymap = {
        assist_button = {
                proc = "";
                trigger = 457;
                process_name = ""
                cmd = "dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=com.jolla.settings.system.flashlight /com/jolla/settings/system/flashlight com.jolla.settings.system.flashlight.toggleFlashlight";

Keep in mind that you need to state the process_name if you want to launch applications; the example I used with camera has /usr/bin/jolla-camera as the process_name yet the actual command to run is from .desktop. The reason being that we want to block duplicate processes from starting based on the process_name. As for dbus-calls I am not entirely sure.


Also would be good to have systemd .service file ready to enable.

Yeah. I just wanted more people to test it first. I also thought of adding some sort of gui to set the config.

btw, an idea - react to multiple (e.g. 3) subsequent presses in 2-3 seconds (kind of 2nd function for the button)

PS I imagine lots of people would want to have it binded to fingerprint daemon restart.

Time and sequential based triggers are already in TODO :slightly_smiling_face:

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