Xperia 1 IV, 5 IV and 10 IV support

Xperia 10 IV and Xperia 10 V status update - w29

Let us give you an update on the major recent achievements. We have been tackling issues together with the Open Device Program from Sony’s AOSP and ODM blobs and from Sailfish OS adaptation.

  • Long term support: Sony intends to focus on supporting Android 14 AOSP base for the Xperia 10 IV and Xperia 10 V and for sustainable Sailfish OS delivery & future releases we would prefer to start right off with Android 14 base (rather than 13). This has been a major work for us and in good collaboration with Sony it now seems feasible.

  • Last week @mal traced down suspending issue of the Xperia 10 IV and Xperia 10 V to missing kernel patches. The cherry-picked fixes got quickly integrated to Sony’s AOSP. This will greatly improve battery consumption on all Xperia 10 IV and 10 V AOSP builds as well. While the battery consumption is still not the most optimal, the suspend issue itself caused so heavy battery draining that the device would have been unusable as a daily driver.

  • Sailors provided very detailed analysis for Sony’s Open Device Program for the Xperia 10 V battery capacity reporting issue. The change request is there at Open Device Program side requiring changes to Sony’s ODM blobs + small changes to device repositories. Processing may take a bit of time. This was a great achievement together with the Open Device Program. Even without this fix and having suspend issue fixed, you could use Xperia 10 V quite well given that you have a full charged battery each morning.

Major known-issues

  • There are major issues with camera.
  • Headphone audio routing is not working always correctly.
  • Both Sony Xperia 10 IV and Xperia 10 V are missing hardware codecs.
  • Fingerprint is failing on Xperia 10 V.

Xperia 10 IV and Xperia 10 V will be Sailfish 4.6 based as communicated earlier. Along with Xperia 10 IV and Xperia 10 V support update we are targeting to update the Android WebView to version 119 for the AppSupport.

I must say that I could soon use Xperia 10 IV and Xperia 10 V as my daily driver and live with these known issues. We will update further during this week once we known that Android 14 base is good.



Thanks, Raine. I’m looking forward!


Thank you for the update. As they say, better late than never :wink:

Well… I wish I knew this a few weeks earlier, as I probably wouldn’t have bought the 10 V at this point (if at all). Instead, I would have bought another 10 III, which also still has its problems but not as severe as your information seems to suggest in case of the 10 V. Sadly, it looks more like an early alpha stage at this point, so it may take months (if not years) to make it stable and suitable for serious use.

Thank you for the update! I’m happy to hear that you are working with the Sony program on these devices and wish you success with the port(s).


Thanks for the update. A similar one for the community phone would be highly appreciated.


See the proper topic.


Thank you Raine, too. Very good to know if Android 14 AOSP base could be enabled. So far I have Andr 13 in my Xperia 10 V. Looking forward to hear you soon.:grin:

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Anyone who’s ever been a professional software developer :raised_hand: knows how difficult it is to answer that question “how long is it going to be?” You can estimate how long it’s going to take to solve the problems you know about but not the problems that haven’t been discovered yet (or bugs created by code yet to be written :wink: )


And therefore, obviously, no one here is asking about when final bugless product will come into existence (mind you, the 10 III has unsolved issues even after 2 years) but merely about when we can see an initial, introductory release (which surely will have bugs and issues, and everyone is aware of it). And we still don’t know even that.


I have a simpler method, go by negation : its not ready until its ready :laughing:

works every time

My Sony 10 V (XQ-DC72) has been delivered last Friday. I was waiting for an official SailfishOS release long time and it was a reason why I ordered the smartphone so late.
I had to handle because it’s diffcult to purchase a new one piece. My smartphone is used but with a very good condition. I’m testing now all functionality of the device: Calling, GPS, camera etc. The bootloader could be unlocked but I did not it because. I will do it later as soon I have freetime.
I hope I can install SFOS soon :slight_smile:
P.S. The device has two sim card slots. Only one can connect to 5G at the same time. It’s ok because I use only one sim card for the internet connection. Are there differences between the slots? e.g data is working better on slot 2? Or it’s no matter.

Not really, they share same modem

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So, are there any news?

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Android 14 would be ok given that we receive an update to the ODM blobs. With completely disabled camera, we could consider releasing the free version sooner. Hopefully we get new ODM blobs soon.


Please do. It’s still very interesting for me. Or at least better than to suffer Andy on 10V.
Maybe I’m not the only one to accept such a state.

I’d take it, too. And so does @mr.yo, I hear. @mr.yo can’t speak for themselves, because their Xperia’s screen is broken… like mine.

We’re desperate for anything Sailfish at this point :sweat_smile:

EDIT: if you decide to release before Tuesday without camera support, … any recommendations on a compact camera to take with me, that I can somehow easily tie to my phone to send pictures via Signal?

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All I need is communications software (including Whatsapp and Signal). Anything else I am fine with waiting longer.

Yes, also form my end: the sooner the better, do not need the camera functionality

@ rubdos: Sony RX 100 current or older version with zoom lens
Alternatively, Fuji X100 with fixed lens (and expensive, the latest mk vi hard to find in stock maybe)


Maybe another Sony camera and GitHub - schorschii/ImagingEdge4Linux: Download images from your Sony DSLR camera via WiFi onto Linux without the crappy mobile app :wink:

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Yes, please do. With so many 10 IV’s and V’s laying there unused and catching dust in our drawers, I’m sure that most of us would happily start using them with SFOS and this way help to find and iron out potential bugs and issues.