XA2 bricked with unsuccessful update to

Have you tried a pkcon refresh?

Had the same issue. This seems to be happening because of failure of update in the Storeman.

Seems that removing one by one works fine, so just do:

rpm -e --noscripts aliendalvik-control-9.3.0-1.armv7hl
rpm -e --noscripts aliendalvik-control-9.3.0-2.armv7hl


good news! IT’S NOT BRICKED
thanks to realizing only vol up button triggers fastboot mode (not vol up + power), I was able to get a blue LED and flashed my device to Sailfish OS 3.3
Of course lost lots of stuff, as usual.
But even from a brand new OS 3.3, update to 3.4 failed at first try.


This doesn’t work as well:

[root@Sailfish nemo]# rpm -e --noscripts aliendalvik-control-9.3.0-1.armv7hl
ERROR: ld.so: object ‘/usr/lib/libpreloadpatchmanager.so’ from /etc/ld.so.preload cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
[root@Sailfish nemo]# rpm -e --noscripts aliendalvik-control-9.3.0-2.armv7hl
ERROR: ld.so: object ‘/usr/lib/libpreloadpatchmanager.so’ from /etc/ld.so.preload cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
[root@Sailfish nemo]#

Thanks @DragonLich !
I was able to ssh.
rpm -e --noscripts aliendalvik-control-9.3.0-1.armv7hl
rpm -e --noscripts aliendalvik-control-9.3.0-2.armv7hl
pkcon update #installed something
version --dup #downloaded but:
#Finished transaction (status=2, runtime=227ms)
#NO UPDATES FOUND. Try again later
version --dup #started installing previously downloaded stuff
shutdown -r now #reboot

Everything seems to work.

Similar issue, stuck at Sony screen. I removed aliendalvik-control beforehand, but I was having some remnants of flatpak – looks I didn’t remove it weeks before properly. So I saw messages about some libs (but perhaps this was also due to the semi-upgrade?). Got around them by symlink-and-pray

ln -s /usr/lib/libicui18n.so.66 /usr/lib/libicui18n.so.63 
ln -s /usr/lib/libicuuc.so.66 /usr/lib/libicuuc.so.63

Now however I am stuck with a broken backend for PackageKit, likely what @abranson mentioned before. Sadly, copying around the ssu file does not help. That’s what I am having now:

Failed to load the backend: opening module zypp failed : /usr/lib/packagekit-backend/libpk_backend_zypp.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK4zypp3sat10LookupAttr8iterator9dip_equalERK13_DataiteratorS5_, version ZYPP_plain

I finally got my XA2 working again under 3.4 now. However, Android Support is not working. Storeman is also not working. I also still get error messages in Terminal with nearly every command. Seems that is related to Patchmanager.

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Those are described in bug reports here. Looks like phonehook was the culprit for your bricked phone. Storeman has to be re-installed. And I lost many configurations that are back to factory. But all that was mentioned in various bug reports already. With fixes.

Maybe these steps can help some of you out of bricked state:



Now, since AlienDalvik Control is an essential app used by the majority of SailfishOS users, would not it be the case to test the update on devices having it installed, before releasing to early access? Or better yet, include AlienDalvik Control functions as standard in SailfishOS.

We have tested and written the disclaimer to the release notes at [release notes] Pallas-Yllästunturi 3.4.0. It says that the latest version of Aliendalvik Control works ok on 3.4.0 whereas the previous versions cause problems.


yes, but a bit careless from Jolla no neither check nor give warnings.

I wonder if you read the release notes? There were problems with the same app in the case of the previous OS update, too.


In my case it was not the AlienDalvik Control installation the problem … but the fact, there was 2 versions of it ! During the update, the management didn’t succeed to delete the both. I understood that when I was enforced to complete ‘rpm -e --noscripts aliendalvik-control’ with the full name of the rpm.
The new update of the version didn’t get any problem.

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We have tested and written the disclaimer to the release notes at [release notes] Pallas-Yllästunturi 3.4.0. It says that the latest version of Aliendalvik Control works ok on 3.4.0 whereas the previous versions cause problems.

You are right, but the release notes came out a bit late so many people got the issue. I always read the release notes thoroughly before updates and I guess most early access users do. Luckily for me, I read the warning from @coderus and avoided the issue.

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Yes, I later read that the issue was with the fixed version released in the morning.

I don’t, like many others I guess. But it also baffles me that nobody at Jolla has seen this coming.

I got this resolved, for who is interested:

  • my libzypp was updated, but not the PackageKit packages
  • below /home/.pk-zypp-dist-upgrade-cache/packages/ apparently all update packages were still present
  • I installed all PackageKit rpms I found, so pkcon etc. seemed to be working again
  • Stress on seemed, because it failed to refresh from jolla repos, as store credentials were not available. Perhaps some other package needed to be upgraded for it to work?
  • I ended up installing all the rpms from the cache (except those from openrepos repos, filtered out that path) via zypper. All at once did not work, conflicts were not resolved. So I did it batch by batch per hand (based on the conflicts described), until every rpm was installed.
  • it took ages, but the upgrade is complete and i am happy

Where can I download the old zip file for the 3.3 release? The Download section only offers the links for 3.4.

For what reason one flags above post?

Jolla only provides the current release to download in their shop.

And it seems the new release will come out soon™ (just noticed: it is out now) as it as it is the one provided now.
No chance to get an older release anymore…

@Que How do you see that? It would be helpful to see the reasons a post is flagged.

And in the context of this thread and experience of an unsuccessful update I do not see this question as offtopic or ‘hijacking’.

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Thank you, this seems to be working on my Xperia X, too.

From logs my phone has been incompletely updated and seemed to fail because of Aliendalvik-control. What is weird before the update I installed 3.4-compatible version 9.3.1, but 9.3.0 was still installed. I also did ‘cp /usr/lib/zypp/plugins/urlresolver/ssu /usr/libexec/zypp/plugins/urlresolver/’ mentioned by @abranson.
After removing both (from recovery mode) it still doesn’t, probably because the update was incomplete.
How can I perform the update from shell in recovery mode?
Or is what @blizzz posted above my only choice? I can’t follow his instructions, because I don’t have the folder he mentioned.