Why do you perfer to use SailfishOS? I was wondering why I came this far to remove Android...multiple times and would like to know what was your motivation

Well said, and in general this is absolutely correct.

But (luckily) the security level of SalfishOS is still far from zero, hence while the security has some severe flaws, privacy is still mostly provided (if the user does not decide to throw it overboard by installing OpenGapps, Whatsapp etc.).

But when there is no security, it is impossible to have privacy, because it is easy for attackers to extract all data.


Thatā€™s a better way to put it! :star_struck:
My eyes do hate the bright white backgrounds too.


I started with a Nokia N9 and Meego, then had an Jolla 1, now a Sony XA2 and I am one of the guys waiting for a full supported Sailfish OS for the Xperia 10V.
Iā€™d really like to use Sailfish without App support, but as a daily driver I need some banking, mobility and messenger apps, which are not available as a native app. So at the moment App support is really needed.


Ok, here I go.
My preference on desktop computing in the early 2000ā€™s was definitely towards google.

However, I noticed that the company changed, and that notice came when they developed their own mobile operating system: no new accessible service for the European Symbianā€¦

When in 2012 Symbian was off the table, I had to pick between Jolla and Blackberry 10. Both gesture based, but the more premium hardware wonā€¦ When in 2013 Whatsapp said goodbye to the platforms I was using, I also said goodbye to it.

Never once was Google again an option for me, once I knew their true stakes. Also, Apple was never an option to begin with, seeing how they launched their closed phablet back then.

So I picked some hackable hardware, a Xiaomi Mi4 that had (wait for it): Launched with Android, used as Windows 10 Mobile dev device, and a SailfishOS port (and an Infrared port!).

I went through Android (shortly), Windows, then Sailfish on that device.

What I got was in the end: Freedom to only use services that are ACCESSIBLE. So, no whatsapp, no google service, nothing that doesnā€™t talk to an (old) browser or doesnā€™t have an API. Thatā€™s how Telegraā€™Me bought me into telegram: Accesible.

Nowadays, I still use SailfishOS, 10 years on. I still use it without App Support (even though I buy licenses whenever they are at sale). I still only use accessible services.

When somebody asks my Revolut, I show them my wise. I ride share with m.uber dot com because other companies donā€™t have a site. I bank with homebank.ro (ING) because it works no app required.

All in all I have always had Linux on my desktop computers, now I am really enjoying one on my phone. I get all the apps I care for, and the ones I donā€™t get, I publicly and loudly say I donā€™t care for. Being an adult is helping me, because I donā€™t have to validate my opinions with some group of friends, Iā€™m just the weird one and can be happy with this.

So thanks Sailfish for being a daily drivable phone with linux access. Letā€™s hope for even more openness in the future.


I wanted more privacy and to use my phone less, I was looking into buying a more capable dumbphone that would let me use some basic chat apps and what not. Then I came across sailfish os and remebered I saw it in a youtube video a couple of years back. Decided to install it on an old Samsung G s2 I had laying around and fell in love with the sleek, simple yet intuitive gestures and design. I then bought a used Xperia 10 III that I now daily drive. I had the thought process that whatever didnt work I could live without because it would still be more capable than a dumbphone. The thing is, mostly everything I need works way better than I anticipated which unfortunately leads me to use my phone a little more than Id like but thats still better than before! I even tested it in Japan when I was living and studying there for half a year, the sim didnt work but I got around just fine with only offline Osm scout as my navigator and free wifi whenever it was available. I recently tried android on my brothers phone and I dont think I can go back, Sailfish OS is just too good :slight_smile:


And are you using the phone with Sailfish less?

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For me the idea of a phone that is ā€œminesā€ in a sense that:

  • I can customize the software like any other linux distro
  • Is clear on how it works down (to almost) the bottom
  • Can do what every other phone sw does while they snoop on me & my data at the same time
  • Has a great community behind it that helps with solutions
  • Allows for software experimentation

is something I value.


Im using it more intentionally than what I did before with Android, but I also enjoy using it more when I do


Oddly enough, I didnā€™t come the phone route to arrive at SailfishOS, even though I was very close to go for the Jolla 1.

I had a pretty entrenched habit of using a phone for talking and a Palm device for conveniently holding various bits of personal information. The idea of adding an appointment while holding my calendar to the ear never really appealed to me. Also, the Palms were brilliant with their sync, well-crafted apps and hardware giving instant access to all my important stuff. There was global search, including results from 3rd-party apps, and batteries lasted 1-2 months. And it was not just for displaying things from external sources, I could jot down ideas or meeting minutes at close to my full writing speed (especially on the older devices with Graffiti 1).

Anyway, all good things must come to an end, and eventually Palm stopped making new devices. Initially that mostly meant that I could now get them lightly used at bargain prices, but I knew the Era was ending. To prepare for the inevitable, I got myself an Android. Google was the friendly, open alternative to the overpriced, lock-your-coustomers, evil Apple, you know? Well, that delusion cracked on first power up - the device came with no open protocols out of the box. So I kept sourcing additions to my Palm collection from the dwindling second-hand market, as I was clearly not going to send my data anywhere else than to my own computers.

Wasnā€™t this supposed to be about SailfishOS, where was I, oh wellā€¦

Fearing my last functioning PDA would fail soon, I again turned to Jolla. I was too late for the J1, and too late for the Jolla C, but there was news about SFOS coming to Sony devices. I bought a used Xperia X, then a licence. As winter turned to spring in 2018 - when I had been using Palms for 22 years, including nine years after production was halted - I took the plunge.

And I have not regretted it.

(edit: Will you finally answer the damn question?)

Uhm. So I do have a few reasons to prefer SailfishOS.

  • I really like the UI. Itā€™s convenient, easy to learn and discoverability is ok to excellent. After doing things on other peopleā€™s duopoly phones, Iā€™m frustrated and feel like I need to wash my hands.
  • I enjoy not having an Ad ID-tag hanging from my ear. (Oooh, but you know you can change it any time, that is like not having it at all, right?)
  • There are standard protocols included out of the box, e.g. email or calendar.
  • Thereā€™s access the file system, so I can get files onto and off of my device - without passing through the ad network.
  • There are really nice native apps, that look good and do their thing without tracking. I do miss a few things, but I have no need for millions of apps. I also donā€™t need ā€œeat all you canā€ buffets to fulfill my nutritional needs. Or ā€œ57 channels and nothing onā€.