Why advanced camera is not the default camera app?

I wrote another post because my editing quota got exausted and I cannot edit nor delete any post anymore… Freedom, freedom and then enforced netiquette and limits everywhre. I love all of this! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

From a total new user point of view with a pre-installed defautl news app:

  • if it is not preinstalled, it should search for it but probably s/he looking for the one who s/he know in an Android store.
  • if it it is installed, it came without any permissions and it should be configured - do you remember your first installation? :slightly_smiling_face:
  • those who dislike having that news app, can disable it with a simple action.

As long as, it is easier uninstall/disable an app than let people go for an Android version, I do not see the problem.

At the moment, pre-installed apps cannot be disabled. This can change in future.

Are pre-installed apps strictly necessary? I hate the tutorial (not true, just for example) and I cannot remove it. I feel that my freedom is limited, moreover I do not know which permissions has that apps, therefore also my privacy is at risk. May be one night, it will raise against me while I am sleeping… :rofl:

Edit the file

Insert the line

after the line
and save the file.

You bought a hackerphone!! Enjoy! :wink:


Wonderful! So, we can do that¹ with every pre-installed apps, like a default news app for those the delete action just hide the icon! :wink:

Moreover, I took as example the Tutorial app because I noticed that it can draw over the other apps AND it knows what I am doing in order to suggest me a better way to do it. Therefore, it is spying me! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

In the same moment, I hide its icon I got three results: 1. a pre-installed (possibly always) running application, 2. with the priviledge to overwrite what I see and to see what I write, 3. without even an icon that rember that it exists… :rofl:

This would be the conclusion following the logic that I saw implemented in this thread. Can you confute this suspect, also? :blush:

** NOTES **

¹ hide and disable pre-installed apps like anticipated here:

What ‘preinstalled apps’ ? I could disable them all at installation time (I did for some). Also it’s possible to deinstall later.

…and probably also “Nextcloud News” is not enough to be the only source from which receive the news. However, the news app was not the topic of this thread, as you can verify by the title. The news has be kept in the scene by @247 because he was opposing the idea of having a better default camera app.

On my side, I followed him/her OT because the fancy logic behind the idea that having a default app (and upgrade it with a better one) would have impaired something valuable. And I am still wonder what the Jolla’s CTO is thinking about delivering minimal functioning app by default installation when developers in the unofficial store - without of a guide and a payroll - are still providing better software.

Finally, as stated I do not care about the news app because:

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Sorry, I did not verified this aspect. My Xperia 10 II arrived on May 26th in the morning and in the meantime I had to move from Germany to Italy dealing with the landlord goodbay, a travel full of luggages, all the burocracy of changing the residence and made my appartment in Italy living again.

Moreover, I never played with a smartphone before and never developed an Android app but just used them. Despite this, I have been able to overcome the annoying and absurd USB3 problem about fastboot protocol. In my case, I suspect it was coupled with sleeping USB ill-mode because after the first fastboot command was executed the connection interrupted and phone rebooted, regularly.

For sake of completeness, an Ubuntu LTS pro is running on a refurbished ThinkPad. Thus, I was quite surprised about seeing hardware glitches with fastboot protocol because in the last 15 years no one of my ThinkPad laptop dent my trust in them. Despite my experience in this brand, the last two X-series ThinkPads were behaving strangerly like they were affected by a CPU cache injection bug. Probably, just a unlucky choice twice.

Then, I discovered that my smartphone arrived with Android 12 instead of 11 and in the documentation there is writing that 11 is more suitable than 10 but nobody wrote about about 12+ is wrong. Therefore, I got stuck into GPS fail-over which forced me to use ADB for my first time in life and introduced me in a world in which sudo has another name because the entire architecure is completely different at such a point for which the OEM-installed Android version can make some kind of difference in how the current linux-based SFOS works because the hardware is initialised using Android configurations and also microG affects the native apps behaviour while they are using GPS. In fact, microG preview release solve a bug on Xperia 10 II when GPS is used by native apps.

Just for sake of clarity, I rephrase this concept: the native apps behaviour running on the SFOS depends by the Android image and by the higher software stack that communicate with it. This is not a smartphone, because considering its architecture it more similar to a triple cheesburger in an Esher painting! :rofl:

Finally - after this incredible hacking trip - I realised that a “Quick Start Guide” was missing and I wrote it.

Now, you pop-up revealing me that the relative huge pile of filesystems which I saw are not based on an read-only image. So, all the other stuff is not written on top of that (or mounted in several folders) in such a way that if I press a specific combination of hardware keys the smartphone is reset to the default factory installation and all the user data deleted.

Moreover, you are claiming that pre-installed app can also be deleted at installation time. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I have the sensation that we got stuck in a misunderstaning here, with “pre-installed app” definition, I hope… :sweat_smile:

I think so. (20 chars)

Ma non ho mai detto che non vorrei un’app migliore, anzi la fotocamera la preferivo prima

Never said didn’t want a better camera app, just think that to me it was better as it was

Still anyway, in my opinion, the ui and the icon of advanced camera are not ready for a sailfish prime time…

Despite our willingness to consider our opinion important, rarely it is… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Because the apps in the Jolla market are a collection of beaty that Uffizi in Florence is a dirty Irish pub at 2am in the morning… :rofl:

The UI can be fixed in 2 days of work - relax - A week, I would bet in a week:

Why is it so important to have some apps pre installed?
I mean, just to get to the phone you need a computer, to unlock the boot loader, downgrade possibly and flash the OS.
I’m pretty sure that after all of this you can download storeman or Chum without any problems.
Don’t tell me about the “mass market” though. Jolla is seriously on the verge of bankruptcy and even if they recover again they will never expand outside the niche user base we are here without having tens of millions to invest on a proper device and a stable OS.

This is exactly the reason: few will pay to work hard a week to have a functional smartphone. Even those care about the privacy can decide to have an old Android smartphone for the banking but they expect that the main one works out-of-the-box. Ok, out-of-the-box might be a little excessive but at least the hardware works fine.

Personally, I love Xperia 10 II because is a very nice piece of hardware. I also love the SailFish OS UI (which requires some improvementt but it is very nice) and its narrative about sailors/harbour (after all, I born in Genova where marinery started for real whatever Venice people might still argouing about it, they did not sail to the new world nor with Cristoforo Colombo nor with Amerigo Vespucci).

A boat is safer in the harbour but it has not made to stay in the harbour… :blush:

Microsoft invested $10 billion into OpenAI and they spent $6 milion to deliver OpenGPT at its first debut. Someone else did 90% of work with $300.

Jolla is a profitable company since Q3, 2021 and after two years, it is ready to fly.

They do not need money (a lot of money, at least), because profitability means that the balance is positive. They need a pair of wings. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’ll pretend I didn’t see the ChatGPT comparison because even though I think you say too much without actually saying anything (I’m Spartan, maybe that’s why), I like your confidence and your passion so I will only comment on the later part.

Time for a reality check

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They are not profitable yet, for 2022, cause they have yet to see latest results and they “expect” them to be profitable

Still they said in an interview, nobody wants to deal with them, due to their ties to russia

We will see this chinese deal on where they expect to be profitable again

As for chatgpt and ms, well i doubt jolla has all the money ms can invest…

About Politics

Politics, politics, politics… The day people realise that politics is THE problem, will start find a solution instead of being part of the problem.

By the way, Italians were and still are the top ones that spoused the Richard Stallman primate of politics in Software Libre in opposition with the Open Source model by Eric Raymond which is more neutral. In fact, when there is a fame war about politics, the italians are those more ideologically biases and untempered. I know because I have a long experience with the Italian Software Libre movement and some of them are also deeply connected also with traditional politics.

Politics is the way to achieve a goal that negotiation and diplomacy weren’t able to achieve and for this reason is the last passage before a war (or revolution, or a state golpe, etc.). Technically speaking - citing Macchiavelli the founder father of modern politics, in particular in Il Principe book - the king/lord will discover that it is more convenient to adopt politics (fraud et co.) than go for a fight or a war.

About Jolla

Since Q1,2022 Jolla started a process to cut the ties with Russian government. Obviously, I was not a simple and lossless transition but the main mistake was at the foundation. By default an European company should not allows non-EU investor to join the mother company but the outsprings companies dedicated for the different geographic / geopolitical areas. In such a way the holding can be easily break-up in case of international contrastrasts.

About the Russia

Be back to the Russia ties and we learn that

Russia trusts in Aurora OS

Note: Jolla has no longer active business or exports to Russia, the business was ramped down during 2021.

source: Jolla website about cases

The separation is done. Move forward.

Just an hint: nobody in Europe or elsewhere succed to create a smartphone mass-market except for Google and Apple. Microsoft also struggled entering in this market. This is the reason because privacy-friendly and security-oriented smartphone is such a interesting niche also called trusted-smartphones market.

Lesson learned

Two things can be learning: 1. an holding that controls a group of administratively indipendent companies is better and not necessarly more costly in operations / accounting; 2. politics are very bad game for business and most of the time also for people whetever they think about.

About business

Every business has 3 circle of agents directly or inderectly involved in:

  • First rule of an investor: s/he puts the money, s/he takes the control.

  • Shareholders PoV: why the hell a community does not have a guidance?

  • Stakeholders (community, also): where are going to go? (no focus)

Summary: too much politics, lack of focus due to a lack of guidance¹, lack of results (economics and finantials, also) because lack of focus and guidance, lack of strategy.

Summing up: a lack of identity because Stakeholders etherogenity. Finally, Jolla changed its core business and moved into automotive infotaiment market to survive.

This means that smartphones are not anymore the core business² (whatever they would say about that) but a legacy or a collateral business but not a source of sustanaible incoming. Under this PoV, the smartphones market could be developed only as far as it brings value to the core business or left behind otherwise.

Unless someone, got focused on develping that branch and made it profitable by itself moving from a legacy business to a collateral business and possible to a core business, again. That “someone” is the SFOS community under a proper product management guide. Everything else is a wast of time, money and bits. :blush:


Why the hell a simple post for improving a native app in order to let enter it into the Jolla market diverged in such long thread with so many OT?

Post scriptum

Now, I decativated the Android Support and also at boot time. I will use only when I need to deal with an Andorid app as less as possible. In such a way, I will see what I can do with SFOS alone. Just to have an idea about it as a stand-alone product.


¹ We may speak about leadership but it would be a political OT again.
² Growing beyond the core business by McKinsey strategy & corporate finance

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right, lets go back to the first question


maybe because of this reason

on my XA2 Ultra it drains the battery at a rate of about 30% per hour
with the very high increase of temperature that goes with it

this being said i use it some times

Good point. Thanks. :blush:

Battery saving is important but not so worse to be addressed immediately.

After all, who needs to use a camera for hours? Visiting a new city in 8h trip and using the camera 1h is 30% of battery. Meeting friends in an evening and 1h of video? Possible but 3h of video seems too much. After all privacy phones are not for those are maniac of photos and video usually to share on social networks.

Advanced Camera disables the screen light adaptation and uses the maximum power for the luminosity of the display. As far as I remember. This can be set as optional not by default. It can make some kind of difference.

Tell this to an X10iii user :grinning:


The X10 III running the Advanced Camera goes quickly short of battery?

I did not notice such a behaviour in my X10 II but I will check it.

There are around some numbers about?

I wrote this because the battery drain on tge x10iii is always an issue, this was not about AdvancedCamera :laughing:

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