Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client

About telepathy: maemo-leste got some funding to develop it.


That’s very interesting, looking forward to reading what they do :slight_smile:

Sorry if the question is already answered in this thread, but i cannot find it :eyeglasses:.
Is it possible to set and/or change the own identity in whisperfish?
At the moment my identity is empty and on remote side only the phone number is shown (this is not very constructive). Lokal my messages are displayed as ‘you’.
I see that the file ‘config.yml’ contains my phone number beginning with country code and the uuid.
But there is no information about my identity …
Many thanks for any hint Gabriel

Not yet, but you can edit it in Signal Desktop if you have it linked! Click on your profile left hand upper corner, on your profile again, and then edit :slight_smile:

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There is still maemo funding (and development)!?

It is from a bug report, therefore I didn’t want to ask there, but @pherjung mentioned here https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/webview-camera-video-has-a-blue-tint/14878/2 that hydrogen can do video callings (although tinted blue).

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First, I’m new to sailfish and complete linux noob so please help me. When I try to register to whisperfish after solving captcha I get “the adress wasn’t understood” and that I might need to install other software. Signal is running on my phone as an android app, does that matter?

Hi @turmelus1! The captcha is currently broken on the release. However, you may want to register your Whisperfish as secondary device instead, and link it to your Android app. You’ll need to get a bit creative to transfer the QR code in time, which might take you a few tries, but that’s a slightly more robust way of setting up Whisperfish.

It’s tinted blue on some devices. I’m going to try some team testing with @pherjung of the builds that @vlagged is making. It’s still early days, but web-rtc does work on the browser and in WebViews.

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That’s pretty cool indeed! I’m very ambitious, however, and I’d like to implement it in Qt, natively :wink:
Good to know webrtc works in a webview, however.


A new release by @direc85 and myself. This contains a large rewrite of the GUI glue code, future proofing for new features, improving performance (especially noticable on Xperia 10 and Jolla), and fixing a lot of UI inconsistencies. The trade-off is that typing notifications are currently unimplemented and the unread count on the cover page is not updated.

This also fixes the regular crashes that corrupt sessions. If you have persons with which you cannot exchange messages, you can trigger a secure session reset, by enabling developer mode in the settings, and pulling down on the contact’s contact page.

For me, personally, this release changed Whisperfish from “it works” to an app that’s pleasant to use. I’m extremely happy with this release :slight_smile:

Whisperfish 0.6.0-beta.15

Overhauls the QML binding system. This should fix all UI inconsistencies, except for a few that are now introduced.

131 files changed, 11799 insertions(+), 10174 deletions(-)

The release should soon be available on OpenRepos.

Meanwhile, since @direc85 has been contributing a lot to Whisperfish lately, I have set up a Liberapay Team. I imagine Gabriel Féron also joining in there soon. If you consider donating to us, please also match your donation towards Signal. They rely on your money.


Thanks for the new version and your efforts with WF!

Couple of things that I noticed with the beta 15:

  • Safety numbers vanished. There is just three dots in place of the safety numbers.
  • Version number still says “Whisperfish v0.6.0-dev” in the About screen.

When I updated to the beta 15 with Storeman, the WF didn’t get killed during the installation. I went back from Storeman to WF and it still running. So, maybe the update didn’t go well in my case…
Storeman insists though that “available version beta 15” and “installed version beta 15”.
Somehow, I have suspicions about that…

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Not familiar with the internals, but do you have the option enabled to run in background? That would explain this: the “old” version just kept running and its GUI was activated when you tapped the launcher again.
Go to Settings in WF and tap “Quit Whisperfish”, then start the new version.

Also: installations shouldn’t kill running applications anyway so that expectation is wrong in the first place.

Ahaa, thanks for the clarification! On the android side of things in Sailfish the running app is killed always when I update via Aurora Store, so I took that as granted that it happens on SF side also. Now I know better.

I have never had background running option enabled.
And I did reboot couple of times after updating, but didn’t make any change.
Does it help if I re-install WF?
I do not loose my conversations if I do that, if I remember correctly…(?)

Whisperfish doesn’t currently have a mechanism to detect an update having happened (maybe we should change this at some point). There install scripts don’t close Whisperfish either - it’s safer to let the user close and restart Whisperfish.

Welp, it looks like the release version bug still isn’t fixed. I just reopened the bug.

Are others seeing safety numbers of contacts?
I see only three dots in place of the safety numbers with the new beta 15 version.

That’s a broken feature at the moment. It’s one of the things that got broken in the refactoring mentioned above, we’ll need to unbreak reimplement them one by one. I hope we’ll get most of them fixed in the next release. Stay tuned!


To elaborate: I preferred to get a version out that is way more stable, than to wait for my head to be clear enough to get the cover unread count and safety numbers reimplemented correctly. I’m sorry if you rely on verifying the safety numbers, that’s indeed quite an important feature.


Reinstallation does never help with Sailfish applications, except in case of your root partition being corrupt (but then you have bigger issues). If a reboot does not help, then there’s an actual bug and we will require logs to get to the bottom of it! You can check your version on the command line, when you start Whisperfish with --verbose, the first thing it prints should be a (correct, I hope) version number.

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Thank you for the new version and all the effort! I am using WF on two XA2-devices. The one with the previous version is ok and I am very happy with that. On the other device registration with hCAPTCHA was only possible since the latest version, I received an authorisation code from Signal and registration looked ok. But no telefon number or UUID was shown in the settings and I could not reach the number (“is not a member”). (May be, my number was still blocked on the server due to previous trials?) I removed installation of WF and tried to start from scratch with a new installation: This is no more possible: A newly installed WF does not show the registration process anymore but starts with the conversations screen. Restarts did not help. Is there something to be removed to make WF “forget” the previous registration?