Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client

Thanks for the quick answer. Now I understood and installed also the Android app for searching contacts and starting new conversations. I was thinking I make a false or I had a corrupt instalation. Nice weekend…

If you have re-registered with the Android app, you will also want to link Whisperfish again.

Thanks for this tipp I add whisperfish new as second device with a screenshoted QR Code now. It works. Nice weekend

Is this not handled yet? I’m unable to finish registration of whisperfish on a new device because of the captcha challenge failing.

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There has been a recent (last two weeks) change in the captcha system, and @direc85 is taking a look at that. You may want to register Signal Android, and link Whisperfish as secondary device instead. That way, you always have a working “official” app too!


I have a question / feature request regarding stickers. Since they are not supported and they are shown as “this message is empty”, could there be some sort of an indicator that the message contains a sticker?

Here is some background for the request: Today my friend sent me a few pictures and a sticker. Some of the pictures loaded almost instantly, but others just showed “this message is empty”. After a while the last pictures were loaded and shown successfully, too. The last message was still showing “this message is empty” and I was getting a bit impatient, but found out later it was a sticker and it will not be shown no matter how long I wait.

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Done, it’ll be in the next release.



We have made a Sailfosh OS Fan Club group on Signal, if you like to join it here would be the join link:


Having audio and vieocalls would be mega cool :wink: For me, that would be the last building block to finally ditch Android support.

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I know right?! How many other apps on Sailfish have this feature already, by the way?

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Maybe it is because of my far from perfect English, but I have the impression that you saw this as an attack or accusation. But that was not my intention at all, on the contrary. If it came across that way I would like to apologize.
I use WF daily and it would be great if I could use it for the last puzzle piece as well. But as long as I can’t, I’m happy to use it anyway and I’m glad you’ve developed it so far. Thank you so much for this!


Oh no, sorry about that. I realize that might have seemed passive-aggressive. It is legitimately the thing I want most in Whisperfish, and I am truly wondering whether there’s any other app that has video call (voice call is obviously built in, the telephone app kinda does that :joy:).

So it’s me who should apologize, I should have made my statement more clear. I would never use a passive-aggressive tone out of nowhere, or where text can be interpreted in multiple ways. :heart:

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So now we have both apologized for something we did not intend to do :joy:

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Voice was present on Yottagram through a voicecall-ui plugin. I think there were issue with 4.5 but got resolved (?).
Video is an option now… using the browser. I had a mixed experience with an experimental hydrogen-web build.

But truth be told, I think we need a confederation of IM apps, at least on front/UI level. Some things get implemented over and over again. I know from my user experience that “mark as read” or “scrolling to last unread” are done differently in: 1. sailtrix 2. sailslack 3. fernschreiber 4. whisperfish.

This is, from my recollection, also one of the pain points of not having a newer Qt. That qml list… has some goodies in 5.6+. If we have an approximation (polyfill they say, thes days) it would be good to share it across projects.


Cool, I can take some inspiration from there :slight_smile:

That’s something I’ll never allow in Whisperfish. Browser-based anything does not fit the privacy guarantees and security model of Signal (and frankly, it’s incompatible with Telegram’s claim of security too). It’s good to know it exists, however.

Truth be told, we have that. It’s telepathy. Having WF as a Telepathy plugin would be very cool, but I think the main problem is that all those messaging services have slightly incompatible feature sets. So Telepathy itself might need some patching.

It’s been in the back of my head for a long time, and the recent refactoring efforts by me and @Sfiet_Konstantin should help quite a bit towards this.

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About telepathy: maemo-leste got some funding to develop it.


That’s very interesting, looking forward to reading what they do :slight_smile:

Sorry if the question is already answered in this thread, but i cannot find it :eyeglasses:.
Is it possible to set and/or change the own identity in whisperfish?
At the moment my identity is empty and on remote side only the phone number is shown (this is not very constructive). Lokal my messages are displayed as ‘you’.
I see that the file ‘config.yml’ contains my phone number beginning with country code and the uuid.
But there is no information about my identity …
Many thanks for any hint Gabriel

Not yet, but you can edit it in Signal Desktop if you have it linked! Click on your profile left hand upper corner, on your profile again, and then edit :slight_smile:

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There is still maemo funding (and development)!?