Where is the OS update stored? Is it some kind of zip file?

I’m trying to recover from a botched upgrade.

I can telnet into the phone, mount partitions and chroot into the system. rpm is functional, ssu, rpm, pkcon and zypper are insufficiently so because they require dbus functionality.

Hence my question.

Where can I find the downloaded upgrade?

Don’t know if this is still relevant today in SFOS 4, but when I had problems with failed SFOS 3.4 update, I got it sorted through the recovery mode with following commands. Maybe the update packages are still downloaded to the same directories?

[root@Sailfish nemo]# mv /var/cache/zypp /var/cache/zypp-old
[root@Sailfish nemo]# ln -s /home/.pk-zypp-dist-upgrade-cache /var/cache/zypp
[root@Sailfish nemo]# zypper dup
[root@Sailfish nemo]# rm /var/cache/zypp
[root@Sailfish nemo]# mv /var/cache/zypp-old /var/cache/zypp
[root@Sailfish nemo]# reboot

Source: Step 6 of this old post at TJC:


I had looked in there but it doesn’t contain packages anywhere, or anything large enough.

I’m about to give up on this. Looks like a re-flash.

I have a complete /home backup, let’s hope I can drop most of it into place.