What is the state of Qt6 support?

I’ve looked through the forums and haven’t seen any definitive information on the subject, what is the state of Qt6 on Sailfish OS? Is it possible to build Sailfish apps on top of Qt6? If so, are those apps shippable through Jolla Harbour, or limited to OpenRepos?

Asking since I plan on resurrecting a project I had started in GTK3 and then stopped after a GTK4 port, as a Qt6 application and would like to, in an ideal scenario, implement it in a way that could incorporate Silica components as part of a separate presentation layer to the one for desktop Linux (which will likely be a mix of KDE Frameworks and Kirigami).

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Sorry, no qt6 in sight. Best you can get is qt5.15 via chum

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Lot of packages have been upgraded to work on qt6 thanks to marvelous job of Nemo guys.

As to silica? yeah no. But recently Sami said there’s nothing stopping them from updating from 5.6. I’m not sure if it was slip of a tongue of uninformed man, or if its reality.

Either way porting silica to qt6.5 or anything beyond 5.6 is gonna be pain because w have a lot of custom patches made for the camera and video support in qtmultimedia (some i’m author of so trust me), not to mention silica itself

It would be a lot of work and money jolla would have to commit but as we all know they prefer to drown money in useless AI thing and in making UI worse (and in breaking my apps for god unknown reason)


Thanks for the clarification @davidrasch and @Mister_Magister. Shame it doesn’t support Qt6, not really planning to time travel backwards to build out a Qt5 port. I understand it’s a massive undertaking and Jolla has been through a bunch of pain, you would just think they’d take the opportunity with a new major version of Sailfish OS to introduce a (now not so new) major ABI of Qt for app developers to build on.

After 5 years with SFOS I’ve got the feeling that Jolla/Jollyboys themselves is the main blocker for further development or even make the existing parts properly work. Why this permanent self-sabotage? Only my few cents…


your are wrong, sience says:

Study: Greens to blame for everything
Dresden (dpo) - Many people already suspected it - now it’s official: The Greens are to blame for everything. This was the result of a study by the Dieter Nuhr University

Not the Greens as in Gringo, but the Greens as in the ecologist’s party


sorry, I had to let off steam.

It was.


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Jolla could sell their holy proprietary stuff as a complete different or extra product with also a second paid contract or licence and so avoid the gpl3 problem.

ich frag mich so schon die längste Zeit wieso ich noch immer so viel Zeit und Nerven in diese Stümperei hineinstecke anstatt den ganzen Dreck endlich wegzuschmeißen. Immer funktioniert irgendwas nicht.


Maybe we will see first an upgrade to QT5.15 - with no licence problems. There are a bunch of technical tasks waiting in the upgrade to QT6. More see here (from heise.de, in german, from 2001).

But the licences offered for QT6 is the real elephant here.

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I understood during loveday 2 that there is a split between the OS (Sailfish Core) and the UI. What is proprietary is Sailfish Core, so having Silica with GPLv3 is not an issue but this is a significant work that does not bring revenue (no roadmap). What is the purpose of SFOS if there is no dedicated UI? What is the plan? To drop Silica? To rely on AppSupport? This is unclear to me.


Stop it with this nonsense already!
For one, selectively applying the license is - shocker - against the license.

But the problem isn’t even about GPL-contaminating proprietary software. GPL3 only really differs from GPL2 in the tivolization clause, i.e. GPL2 is just as contagious. If stuff changed from LGPL to GPL, that would have been an issue, but nothing did. And you couldn’t/wouldn’t call it a GPL3 problem - that’s simply a GPL problem.

Translation server error.

Well, the answer to that is, love :slight_smile: As Bob Dylan once sang … ‘Everything is broken’ …


Other Systems have issues too, but here we can help or workaround ourself

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Are there any mods that can lock this thread? The question raised was already answered, I marked it as the solution. I don’t need this getting derailed by discussions on licensing and random political non-sense.


Last thing first:

That is “whataboutism”: «What about the issues other “systems” have?»
Point is: Such “arguments” do not resolve a single issue SailfishOS has, and there are plenty grave ones.

Well, “all you need is love” is not always true.
Again, “love” does not resolve a single issue (though loving SailfishOS eagerly may let you perceive its issues as less grave). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You seem to use an incapable server, Google translates this paragraph fine:

I’ve been wondering for a long time why I’m still putting so much time and effort into this mess instead of finally throwing all this rubbish away. Something always doesn’t work.

Because other Open Source Software stacks (with all its positive properties, e.g. privacy friendly, adaptable by anyone etc.) for mobile phones are a greater mess, worse rubbish and a lot of things do not work properly.

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Technical stuff & licence issues (also in reverse order)

AFAIU it is not really a split: Jolla’s Mind 2 does not have a display or video output, hence it runs a variant of SailfishOS without an UI, i.e. the UI components etc. are not installed on the MInd 2 (it is just a bunch of RPM packages not being installed).

What is proprietary is Sailfish Core,

Nope, the other way around: It always have been various, primarily middleware and high level components of SailfishOS that are proprietary software (in the meantime the list grew larger: Jolla’s VoLTE implementation etc.).

Nope, the Qt company introduced their overhauled licensing model with Qt 5.7: If you want to run Qt on Wayland, you must either accept at least one GPLv3 licensed component (the Qt Wayland Compositor) or buy an proprietary licence for all Qt components you use from the Qt company.

Then SailfishOS would be a crude Linux distribution, which is basically command line only (well, you may start GUI applications at the command line).
Sorry, I do not want that and I believe nobody does.

or extra product with also a second paid contract or licence and so avoid the gpl3 problem.

Nope, that would not avoid “the GPLv3 problem”.
As long as Jolla believes that they may find another big licensee of SailfishOS (as the Rostelecom and Intex once were) for whom (or their sub-licensees) using a MDM (mobile device management) is attractive or even a must (e.g. for use in governmental institutions or companies), they will avoid GPLv3 licensed components, because it grants a mere user (who may not be the owner) of a device the right to fully control it.
IMO that is overly fearful, because if no GPLv3 licensed component is handling the cryptographic measures which bar users from gaining full control of a device, the “anti-tivoisation” clause (= “installation information” clause) has no effect. But Jolla tends to be fearful and to model how Open Source Software development works well in awkward ways (hence Jolla does only manage to exploit a fraction of its potential).

… and that is the very reason why Jolla avoids the GPLv3 for all software components a SailfishOS installation uses by default.

But that is the real answer to your question: “Never as a part of SailfishOS, as long Jolla does not change their mindset.”, which also includes the Jolla Store (“Harbour”).

Though anyone (including you) may compile and distribute Qt 6 for SailfishOS, so you can use it for your application development.


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One always has the freedom to disagree, but I am quite sure that you also need food, sleep etc. :smiley: