@flypig had given me a heads up for the more restrictive CORS rules as of 4.4. To keep it to the point, to load local resources in a WebView:
WebView {
/* This will probably be required from 4.4 on. */
Component.onCompleted: {
/* disable ALL
WebEngineSettings.setPreference("security.disable_cors_checks", true, WebEngineSettings.BoolPref)
OR */
WebEngineSettings.setPreference("security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy", false, WebEngineSettings.BoolPref)
id: webView
anchors.fill: parent
url: "../mah/index.html"
Er, ‘my’ nice python example was cribbed from @martyone 's python example (which happened to implement a thread model) and is, of course, mostly your code and props to @nephros !
I’ve always admired you clear and comprehensive deep dives in the newsletters and have benefited from them, a great deal. I’m just really happy if I’ve contributed to that! Thanks!