I installed a browser(webcat) from the Jolla store. It didn’t start. I deleted it. There is no Webcat on the phone, but when opening links it offers me a choice: the standard browser and webcat (which I have already deleted). Help me start the Webcat or delete its remains. My devisec Sony XA2 dual, Sailfish Os 4.6 Sauna
WebCat came very early in the store. But since some years there is no more support.
You can found some good posts about this app and other older apps in together.jolla.com, a great predecessor of this great forum. Give the search there a try and you can e.g. found this:
Look in ~/.local/share/applications
, there’s probably some desktop file that belongs to webcat.
If deleting that is not enough, you might need to edit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache
and/or /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache
to remove offending entries.
What would it take to remove WebCat from the Store? It’s been out of date for ages.
As a moderator on Openrepos, I have facility to remove accounts. I don’t think it would be good to remove without somehow making contact with the repo owner. Perhaps Basil of Openrepos can suspend accounts rather than remove/delete, or at least the repo could be backed up and hidden from view. Someone may wish to take over development of certain apps, just a thought.
Both, Openrepos and Jolla Store have some out-of-date apps, including one of my own on Jolla store, but around 274 people are still using my app according to harbour, I/we also have no way to delete our apps from the Jolla store, as far as I’m aware.
For new users, like the OP, I’d be inclined to say; look at comments on the app you intend to download, look at the date stamp of the last question or answer, this often indicates a dead repo, the user/dev has left the building, so to speak.
With respect to Web Browsers offered on Openrepos, avoid them all.
The original Sailfish Browser has always been a bit of a mixed bag of disappointment, but it’s a little more usable than it was but still not without many niggles and non-show pages.
Perhaps try an Android browser, I don’t suppose things will be much better that way, same sh*t, different depths, as they say. I’ve never tried, I use my PC far more for internet based stuff, big screen, full keyboard, etc.
Perhaps someone should leave a message on that repo or the devs YouTube channel, as laid out below.
The owner of Webcat repo is Name: Leszek Lesner known as “llelectronics”.
I recognise his name, he used to do videos about SailfishOS/phones, his YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/@lltechview
Thank you for your clarification regarding old applications in the repository, because I was sure that if the Jolla store added an application there, it would work and boldly installed everything in a row (in the end, I encountered a number of non-working programs that were removed, but some, like webcat, leave traces). Previously, I used android applications on my sony xa2, but now they are noticeably slow on the Sony xa2 device and I decided to completely abandon android support, because there are maps, a browser, telegram, mail, and many other applications needed for daily use. In general, there are enough applications at the moment, but sometimes it is useful to have two different browsers on the device (that’s why I was looking for an additional alternative to the standard browser, but I did not find anything working, only non-working applications, which then it is not clear how to completely remove from the system). I have two sony xa2 phones, one with sailfish os 4.6 and the second with linage 21, but I would really like to stay only with Sailfish Os 4.6.
It’s just very stupid and expensive to reinstall Sailfish OS every time, because some application from the store does not install, or does not uninstall, or makes its own configurations (which then interfere with the operation of other applications). Perhaps someone has a list of applications that definitely work on Sony xa2, so that there is no such confusion…
I look in ~/.local/share/applications
. Im delete:
it helped, now the standard browser opens links without prompting WebCat!
Thanks All!!!
If you are looking for a second web maybe you can test Ielig:Web in jolla store. This app is working on the same engine as the stock browser but best for your daily used bookmarks - and for searching. And you can ask me if needed…
I was refering to the jolla Store specifically. It should stay in Openrepos imho - it’s more of a “use at your own risk” mentality, and maybe someone even gets inspired to pick it up.
If you need a non Android alternative for Browser, use Angelfish from chum
I guess old apps could be still useful to those that for whatever reason want/must use an old SFOS version. E.g. Jolla1 phone owners?
Thank! Angelfish is worked in my Sony XA2 Sailfish Os 4.6 sauna! Now I have two browsers. This is wonderful!
Sure, I just realised that because I use aarch64, armv7hl apps are not visible to me in Jolla Store, which explains why I referenced Openrepos and NOT Jolla Store, damn!, oops!, taxi!!