Something I noticed was that there does not seem to be a web interface to browse the Jolla Store. At it’s simplest, it could just be a simple website displaying the application information and screenshots from the Jolla store and then download them. Ideally, users could download applications from the web interface to their device when signed in with a Jolla account, but I suppose that wouldn’t be trivial to implement.
If there was a web interface, developers could link to the webpage of their application in the Jolla store instead of telling people to search for the application in the Jolla store. Ideally, SailfishOS would open links to the store with the Jolla Store automatically, which should be possible due to one of the merge requests that recently got merged in.
I would also consider creating a “Get it on SailfishOS/Jolla Store” badge, just like F-Droid , Google Play and the App Store have.
If developers of some well-known cross-platform software would put these Jolla store badges on their project pages besides the other already existing badges, I’d say people may become curious what the Jolla store is, click on it and learn about Jolla and Sailfish OS.
As a quick mockup, such a badge could look like this:
I didn´t really care about the font or look for the most suitable logo for the Jolla Store, take branding guidelines into account (if there are any?) and I definitely didn´t take the time to align anything neatly. This is a modified version of the F-Droid button button, which is licensed under the and made by Andrew Nayenko.