Weather-App and Widget Connection Problem

Real hackers can grep foreca /usr/share/libsailfishkeyprovider/storedkeys.ini as root (or from a privileged shell), write a little program (or a script) that xor’s your foreca username and password with the provided key and then update that file :slightly_smiling_face: This way, you won’t have to modify any .js files. You probably have to restart lipstick after updating storedkeys.ini to make sure that home screen pulls in your new credentials.


Why in less than a month? Id say its already all for sale ? :wink:

Yeah, I was serious, why the attitude @smatkovi?, you did not have to include your API key, which is no fkin good to me or anyone else anyway. Wow, attitude with some people here {{{smh}}}.

Basically, although it’s a rooky mistake, I edited the said file without making a back up. I had edited my user/pass/key and the next few lines after, which is why I asked for the first 10 lines, not the whole file or your api key/username/password. Next time I need such information, I will better define what I’m asking.

Thanks for posting the necessary file, I now have fixed what I’d deleted from ForecaToken.js

@slava, thanks for details. I’m not trying or wanting to hack anyone. I’m not a hacker and would not even call myself a coder/programmer despite making dozens of my own apps for my device.

Although the wiki python version, XOR cipher - Wikipedia, will do, I think @slava may have a more interesting solution in c :slight_smile:

It’s hard to believe Jolla would leave the weather app broken for three months. It can only be a lack of money, surely? Did Foreca up their license fee so dramatically Jolla couldn’t afford it? Or is Jolla’s financial situation so dire they’re cutting any and every cost. It’s disappointing.


They are in legal restructuring process, see
This might limit their ability to spend any money.


As much as i love foreca, and it’s also the most accurate weather for my area, i guess they should “for the moment” switch to something else, like, which is free to use

Unfortunately as much as i like meecast i would still prefer to use the default app…


I wonder if we could crowdsource the funds to buy a shared Foreca token until Jolla gets back on their feet?


This was the point of starting on (api rough sketches at: Swagger UI ) but I just haven’t had enough time to ‘go there’. The idea is, be a broker between apps requiring a key and a payment platform ( for instance). anyone who has some time to sink (hope, hope)…


That was an idea i proposed on the italian group, count me in

My idea was to give money to someone trusted from the community and let him buy the key to share to us

I guess the lowest tier should be ok

Still anyway, if the amount is resonable do count me in :slight_smile:


I’d also be ok with paying a few euros per month just to avoid the inconvenience of periodically renewing foreca trial token.

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The sailmates , well, @jojo in the main, had been in discussions for a key for the club. I’m asking what our status is. The idea could obviously extend to other services.


Indeed we tried. I exchanged mails with Foreca. Currently you can only have 10 API keys per account and we wanted to, at least, have one for each of the Sailmates members. Unfortunately Foreca refused it. They were also against the idea of having one account for multiple persons, for example, one Sailmates account, and one API key per member. Here is their last reply:

I discussed this with my colleagues and we cannot allow larger distribution of API keys, since we cannot be 100% sure of every keys use case. If you would like to acquire Foreca Weather API, the standard terms apply. Please let me know if you would like to review our Content & Licence Agreement.

I did explain at repeated occasions, as seen by the other Sailmates members, that we were a not-for-profit and the context behind our request. I don’t think their current API service targets individuals, but rather companies that need weather services for some reason.

An alternative solution was to have only one API key for Sailmates, and use a service such as the one @poetaster wanted to develop for redistributing keys. This might be against their service agreements (i did not check).


Underrated comment:) Nice find and the calendar works pretty well for this!


I still would like to use the Weather-App again. Changing from to a free weather service provider would allow the long term usage. provides a free service for any location.

So how could we convince the Jolla management to change the weather service provider or to open the Weather App for SFOS community?


The only realistic way is for Jolla to release the source code of the app, or to adapt the app and provide more info how to develop third party plugins for other weather forecast providers.

I have the feeling this issue will not be addressed in the forthcoming release.

If you ask how can Jolla be convinced, hm i do not think it’s possible :wink: