Volla Installation guide

Funky. Inside ~/.cache/ubports I found all the Volla Files inclund the scutterfile for the M6768 under mimameid/firmware. I started up spflashtool5 with root privileges and connected the phone with a USB Hub. Using mtk payload script I was able to send the payload to the phone and then set Option/Connection in Spflash to UART and a proper port. I was able to start flashing it with these files but I got

BROM Exception! ( ERROR : STATUS_TOO_LARGE (-1073479676)

Still, this is moving forward. :slight_smile:

Connecting to BROM...
BROM connected
Downloading & Connecting to DA...
connect DA end stage: 2, enable DRAM in 1st DA: 0
DA SLA enabled status: Disabled.
Warning: DA SLA Disabled, skip it!
DA Connected
Check Storage Life Cycle: S_DONE(0)
executing DADownloadAll...
[0] WRITE TO PARTITION [ preloader ]

[7] WRITE TO PARTITION [ vbmeta_a ]

[8] WRITE TO PARTITION [ vbmeta_system_a ]

[9] WRITE TO PARTITION [ vbmeta_vendor_a ]

[21] WRITE TO PARTITION [ md1img_a ]

[22] WRITE TO PARTITION [ spmfw_a ]

[23] WRITE TO PARTITION [ scp_a ]

[24] WRITE TO PARTITION [ sspm_a ]

[25] WRITE TO PARTITION [ gz_a ]

[26] WRITE TO PARTITION [ lk_a ]

[27] WRITE TO PARTITION [ boot_a ]

[29] WRITE TO PARTITION [ dtbo_a ]

[30] WRITE TO PARTITION [ tee_a ]

[34] WRITE TO PARTITION [ logo ]

[45] WRITE TO PARTITION [ super ]

[46] WRITE TO PARTITION [ userdata ]

Download failed.
BROM Exception! ( ERROR : STATUS_TOO_LARGE (-1073479676) , MSP ERROE CODE : 0x00.

I was able to finish flashing successfully when I unticked “userdata” from the spflash. Now I have a brief Volla Bootscreen when I press power. But nothing more happens…

Ok, good to know. That’s the correct Volla22 image data. The same data that I flashed with successfully.

The question is can you get to a fastboot prompt?

I know and the answer is no as of now. ;-/

Holy cow…I flashed again with spflash5 and selected Firmware Upgrade instead of Download with all boxes checked and now I have a regular Volla OS that can go into fastboot mode. Because I rock!

@ flinkevend You might find this interesting!


Hah! You rock!

So, to make it clear for everyone:

  1. have bricked rephone (probably also GS5)
  2. have firmware you tried to install in ~/.cache/ubports/mimameid/firmware/unpacked/
  3. have ~/bin/SP_Flash_Tool_v6.2228_Linux/ (or other os version?)
  4. choose scatter file from above firmware folder
  5. Check all,
  6. Firmware Upgrade

that about right?

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Minor edit:

  • before flashing use mtkclient with “mtk payload” command and connected Rephone with USB by pressing Vol/Up+Vol/Down+Power. mtkclient then delivers a payload to set the phone into BROM mode without authentication for flashing.
  • I used spflash version 5

Ah, cool to know the all buttons method works. And you used the older version of Spflash. Interesting.

@lispy @poetaster YEEHAA!!! My Rephone is working again. I followed your steps @lispy. SP-Flash tool grumbeld at super.img (to large). But recovery-mode worked. I tried to install volla.zip by adb sideload. And here we are again. Thank you so much!!!


Great news! I hate it, if stuff gets wasted…


Good news! Congrats!!

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i have bricked my rephone too. But i am on windows, so i don´t have the (there is no) firmware in ubports folder.
Were else can i download the firmware?
And which is the scatter file?


Could someone please post the needed files to make the rephone… Restore :slight_smile:
on my linux mint laptop i dont find the files from ub port installer:-(

Did you use Ubports previously ? If so, the files are in: ~/.cache/ubports/mimameid/firmware/unpacked/
the ~ being path to home (/home/you).


If you used the Ubports installer to do an install, the files are there ‘somewhere’. Maybe search for specific files like : preloader_k69v1_64.bin that should show where the files are (including the scatter, et. al.)

yes i have found it
the path is C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\ubports\mimameid\firmware\unpacked
i tried to load the scatter file MT6768_Android_scatter.txt but i fails.
the flashtool needs ./download_agent/flash.xml but i dont have that file because i have not taken a backup bevor flashing.
can you send me the flash.xml?

You need to follow the steps that @lispy followed.

  1. Get spflash5 for windows
  2. before flashing use mtkclient with “mtk payload” command and connected Rephone with USB by pressing Vol/Up+Vol/Down+Power. mtkclient then delivers a payload to set the phone into BROM mode without authentication for flashing.
  3. download with the scatter file, but the upgrade firmware action with all boxes checked after loading the scatter file. @lispy, sound about right?

EDIT: GitHub - bkerler/mtkclient: MTK reverse engineering and flash tool

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Yeah now it works
i had the wrong version of flash tool. With version 5 as @lispy said, it works.
btw i did not use mtkclient with “mtk payload”.
thx for your help.

ps: the volla boot logo loooooooks nice :slight_smile:

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Ah, cool. So you only did the ‘firmware upgrade’ with the files from ubports and the version 5 flasher. That’s really easy! Thanks!