[VNC] using phone from desktop?

I would like to use my phone from my desktop computer via VNC, especially for writing stuff. I know there have been a few posts in TJC about VNC but I can’t seem to find them again.

There’s this project, which I installed once IIRC but it was not possible to use the desktop keyboard (to send keyboard events):

Did anyone manage to use the keyboard through VNC? Do you know any alternatives to lipstick2vnc?

I know there are a few projects for getting remote desktop access from the phone (but that’s not what I need):


You only need to compile and install libvncserver and lipstick2vnc - they worked well at least since SailfishOS 2.0.

Pre-compiled packages here.

Thank you! Did I read well, that this only works through bluetooth and not via wifi? Is this a big deal to get wifi working? I am just a user, no programmer, so I would not know how to do that…

I didn’t find the time to try your packages yet. Did you include uinput keyboard handler by teleshoes · Pull Request #10 · mer-qa/lipstick2vnc · GitHub? This merge request seems to implement exactly what I was missing but I didn’t test it either.

It should only work over USB, not Bluetooth nor Wifi. Enabling wireless support is not something you’d generally want because its too insecure.

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By default those two packages only work via USB networking; they can work via wifi, provided you configure/patch them, but I wouldn’t recommend allowing any device on the local network to snoop around your phone desktop.

No, it won’t work via bluetooth because it needs a network interface.

shouldn’t Sailfish Connect offer the desired function?


Will be easily usable with a linux pc. There was also another client ages ago, Jolla communicator, but the functionality is not that big:
Messaggiero Post :slight_smile:

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I expected that it would let you use your pc keyboard, but strangely it does the opposite:

  • Touchpad - Create mouse input from your phone.
  • Keyboard - Create keyboard input from your phone.