Using cloud storage (Nextcloud, Dropbox...) from app

Hi, I would like to add “cloud synchronization” to OSM Scout collections. It means synchronize recorded tracks with cloud disk in form of gpx files. I would like to avoid adding account setup and integrating webdav library. Instead, I would like to use system wide cloud account. But there is no documented storage API ( ) and it seems that related library is not allowed in Harbour ( ).

Is there any plan from Jolla side to allow such API for applications?


You could add your app to mybackup
is quick and better then nothing

Hi. OSM Scout stores collections to SQLite database internally. I’m using MyBackup already, is great for backup collections and configuration. But for two-way synchronization with cloud storage it would be better to use GPX files - it is standard for geographic data and OwnCloud have apps to display them (Nextcloud probably too)…

Anyway, there was added “Sailfish Accounts library” to allowed libraries recently: Allowed APIs | Sailfish OS Documentation Do you have an idea where api of this library is documented? What is its purpose?

Yeah sorry, i did turn on my backup and it would not show osmscout, cause i was too inpatiant to wait for 20 secs