Usage time (xperia 10 ii)

any app to show screen usage time?


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I wanted to track my screen usage time and stumbled upon this thread. Initially, everything worked fine with “Usage”, but I encountered a flaw on the Xperia 10 III: The OOM killer sometimes terminates the app, resulting in the loss of screen time information.

To address this issue, I developed Screen Time, which is now available on Github and Chum (hopefully soon on the Jolla store as well). This app saves usage data to a local SQLite database, ensuring that not all data is lost in the event of the app being terminated. Additionally, it offers support for viewing historical data and graphs to track daily usage.


This is really neat, thanks. I ran “Usage” in PartnerSpace to make it autostart and prevent it from being killed on my XA2 but this app seems even better!

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