Update (not upgrade) Android before flashing Sailfish X, or not?

So my question concerns flashing sailfish X on sony’s devices.
Before flashing a new phone, in jolla’s instructions, there is no suggestion to first update the android phone before flashing.
I am wondering if that makes any difference?
If the jolla’s instuction work for android 13 for exemple, shall i first update the device to the latest updates that sony proposes for android 13 (i’m not talking here about version upgrades like 13>14, thats another topic)?

Or it doesnt make any sense since the android system is just nuked by the sailfish flashing?

Thanks for insights!

Unfortunately the answer is not always straightforward. Referring to Xperia 10III Jolla are now happy for you to use either Android 11 or 12: https://jolla.com/how-to-install-sailfish-x-on-xperia-10-iii-on-windows/
However with regards to Android 11 there was a version to avoid as here: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sony-xperia-iii-android-12/11029/6?u=aspergerguy