I’ve been looking at building an app that permits writing tags as well as reading and wanted to ask @slava if this GitHub - monich/libgnfcdc: Glib based NFC Daemon Client is the right place to start. I think usage has been primarily reading, but it looks updating tags is there, judging from: https://github.com/monich/libgnfcdc/blob/master/test/nfc-tag/nfc-tag-test.c#L200 In any case, GitHub - monich/harbour-matkakortti: Application for reading Helsinki and Tampere travel cards looks like a great starting point for exploring what needs to be implemented?
The use case I’m thinking of is generic, but I got curious since I have a bloody digital identity card from the German Gov’t (which is currently useless to me EDIT: the workflows for using the eID foo are byzantine (requiring using the java app as an intermediary to communicate with the servers of the eID footzies). Just to keep people from hoping that i’ll get an auth capable app finished anytime soon