[Top menu] French translation

I suggest following changes because it has the same signification and is shorter :

Currently Suggestion
Données mobiles Données
Lampe de poche Torche
Positionnement Localisation
Ne pas déranger ¹ Ne pas gêner
Accéder au paramètres du menu supérieur ¹ Paramètres du menu supérieur ²
Ouvrir les paramètres du menu supérieur

¹For the two last one, I’m not totally satisfied and there are just present because they take less space on screen :slight_smile:

² I think it’s not necessary to use a verb. Logically you know clicking on this area will open that

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Hello @pherjung
Hello all sailors,

For “ne pas déranger” i really prefer “ne pas déranger” :slightly_smiling_face:
For “Acceder au paramètre du menu supérieur” your two propositions are ok, may be with a preference for “ouvrir les paramètres du menu supérieur”.


It may be worth proposing some of these changes to the source strings instead of just the French translation. For example, for the last one, I think all languages could benefit from shortening the source string to “Go to Top Menu settings”. Perhaps @sledges could also offer some insight.

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agreed - please mage a suggestion on translate.sailfishos.org and I’ll look at that

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Thank you for your comment. I wrote suggestions for French.

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“Go to” is fairly short when written in English. There are many situations like this when a translation ends up being too long to fit, and then gets shortened without changing its meaning.