"Today" not translated in messages in French

In the messaging application, the section entry “today” is not translated. This is this string : Translate | jolla-messages | French | Sailfish OS Localisation

I don’t know if it’s a deliberate choice ? I’m simply proposing to put “Aujourd’hui”, there is enough space on the line for it.

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Translation round had just started at the time of your writing, and jolla-messages only has one (aforementioned) string to translate this time.
French was completed yesterday, well done boursiers!

Well, actually this specific string was left untranslated in the UI for several release already, I don’t know why. Just that the translation round reminded me of it and to give a look. Thanks for accepting it.

There was a bug in jolla-messages where current day isn’t shown at all. That was fixed recently and thus introduced this brand new string id messages-la-today in this L10n round.