Threema Audio streched

When I send an audio in Threema, I have the following problem:
I can start the recording normally, but as soon as I send the audio, it is stretched to twice the length, making it unintelligible. This already happens when I finish the audio and listen to the preview. I already wrote to Threema support, but they said after some back and forth that this is probably due to the ANdroid Machine audio encoding.

Has someone else the same problem?

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Hello J-One,

we have the same problem. My Wive and my child have a Sony Xperia XA2, I have a Sony Xperia 10 and my other child has a Sony Xperia X. We did al upgrade to Sailfish 4, but only the Xperia X is working properly. The voice recordings (only in Threema) sound like a slow-motion computer voice. We can also not use the Threema call, but this is a long topic :frowning:

Is coderus no longer in the forum :wink: He was always good at helping.

Threema support may not help and I have unfortunately no solution for it.

I already wrote a short time with the Threema Support, they said ins a problem with the audio encoding of the android machine…

I know the issue with the Threema calls, but sometimes ist works for me. If I turn on my mobile data and not wifi and start the Video after the connection stands, i am often able to use Threema calls. But maybe that only works with a contact, that not uses Sailfish too :wink:

Thank’s a lot J-One, with mobile data the calls are working fine. There is maybe one day also a solution for this stretched voicemails :wink:

Greetings and Happy Easter

The same thing occurs on X10 / SFOS when using Delta Chat (Android app).

On Delta Chat there is no possibility to ‘pre-listen’ to an audio recording, the recording is sent immediately after releasing REC button.

The same way as reported above for Threema, the other partner hears the recording ‘streched’.

But when listening again to the sent message, it sounds in correct pitch and speed.

So I think there is something wrong only with received audio messages. Maybe some audio file parameters wrong sent or misinterpreted on the receiving side?