There is NO way this update was tested. Nothing hardly works

Evidently no one else is interested, but the fact is, Linus is part of the larger populous of people INTERESTED in Linux. Attitudes like this, regardless of who is saying it and who it’s targeted at, do nothing but perpetuate the mindset that Linux is for elitist jerks who think they know better and would rather those “other” people stay away and continue to allow Microsoft and Apple and Google to remain in control.


And for the record, Linus has actively acknowledged this upset over “clickbait” thumbnails and titles, and his answer is pragmatic: he wouldn’t be keeping that business going well for long by trying to buck the trends. He does clickbait titles because Youtube intentionally promotes it - to go against that grain would be like trying to shovel snow with a bucket. It might work, but it’ll be wildly inefficient and the yields won’t be there. It’s not for attention, he’s running a business, and if what he’s doing with these Linux videos is convincing other people to make the jump, that is nothing BUT good for the community.


same happens to me on XZ2c. I’ve noticed it when

  • battery level is low
  • battery level is high, and connected to charger
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interesting … i think my battery was in the 30’s or 40% range but I also have the keyboard tap and vibrate on… i wonder if its relrelarelated…oops well im at a 100% and it just happened while typing.

I will have to test turning off the feedback.
Regardless I doubt the devs even care about the bugs we report…

I generally agree with you but the real problem is that even basic things like MMS still have problems. Example - try to reply to MMS with MMS - impossible! VoLTE? Oh come on, is this really a basic functionality? At least HD Voice works so the quality is good. What we need now is up to date browser a native one which will close the gap for the basic 2022 phone functionality.
Also I think that paid apps could improve situation a bit but I’ve got a felling there’s a problem with some licensing maybe? Well Jolla should explain if they didn’t yet.


Is he really ?!

Is he really when he did not read ANYTHING before he started using one of the most difficult Linux distros : Arch Linux ?!

I could do the same with a Apple Mac and then complain about all of my games not working…

100% clickbait bullshit! :roll_eyes:

That’s simply not true!

In this case the guy is clearly paid by any or all of those three to give Linux a bad image!
All that effort from for example Ubuntu destroyed in a matter of seconds, because all the YouTube addicts believe every damn word he says! It’s like a cult of some sort! :frowning:

Let’s be honest : It’s easier to give something a bad image than a good image, especially when you are fighting against a huge monopoly that lasted more than 20 years!

I just hope he never discovers Jolla Sailfish or Ubuntu Touch !!! :confused:

I am here because I want a daily useable Linux phone and not just because I want a phone that isn’t Apple/Google/Microsoft powered, because I do, but I also want more besides that! :wink:

I agree with a lot of stuff you have posted so far, but some things you are saying also surprise me : Like someone is forcing you to use something you do not completely like ?! :flushed:

I am really surprised by the number of people still using MMS on this forum, because I thought it had died a long time ago since there always has been a cheaper/free alternative or the costs were simply too high when it was new and unique! :smiley:

I am guessing you are a North Amercian user like the most who need MMS and VoLTE support ?

I do agree about VoLTE by the way : We will really need it one day and I just hope that the developers will have enough time to finish the VoLTE related code BEFORE that day comes! :slight_smile:

Hi yes, I’m in North America …I know the Volte was not in response to me but what is thatthat? (this was the os)

Okay… i may come off sounding like Im forced to use it…and you are right their are choices… I guess for me ots because I have only used Symbian and Meego no sailfish and maybe 1 week of android when I got this Sony phone since I was following jolla’s instructions to use it.

So im not forced by force… but forced by habbit. Trust me…i would still be using my N9’s or my Pure View 808 if the radio was supported… but the voice and reception dropped really bad…

What is mind bending is that the people that made these phone have the skills that they dont seem to be applying to sailfish.

They may not use MMSMMS, but they know how it works (again the os is going nuts when I type)
Im guessing its like 3 coding hours to make a North American MMS patch.

Those MMS alternatives…what are they? Is it a google application that we should add?

I have been using thisthis sailfish for aa while… I would just like to see it work as expected. I’m not expecting all these apps people all around us use… just a cell phone that does basic cell phoning well.

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I am EU user…
and I can tell you that I’ve got sms, mms in the plan so no matter how many of them I’ll send I don’t pay anything extra for this… the plan is cheap, below 10EUR
But since you’re asking for this I can make a bet you’re from DE cause I know the costs of using cellphones there are expensive.
Also I don’t care about VoLTE I mentioned that I don’t know why people complain about it.

You’ve made me whip out the bluetooth keyboard at 2am for this, so I’m going to give you the earful, buddy.

Linus isn’t paid by any companies except those that sponser him. Glasswire, Dbrand, Seasonic, watch even 45 seconds of ANY of his videos and you’ll see that. I don’t know what fantasy dimension you live in to make those claims, especially when there are MULTIPLE videos on LTT’s channel explicitly around Linux, complete with collaborations from the likes of Level1Techs. I personally use L1’s guides for my VFIO setup on Manjaro. Speaking of…

Funny you claim that Arch Linux is one of the hardest distro to use, considering for starters, it plain isn’t. Gentoo is, and always will be, the hardest Linux distro to use, then Alpine Linux, simply for lacking GNU utils, and then any and all derivitives of Gentoo, and then RHEL and its flavors. Arch will sit squarely in the middle of the difficulty scale, and even then, it wouldn’t be that much harder from starting with a pure Debian base. And that’s not even relevant because he used the Arch derivative, Manjaro, of which is even easier, and on par with Ubuntu for its straight forwardness. Honestly, if it weren’t for my need to use amdgpu-pro drivers, I’d have just done Ubuntu myself on my gaming rig.

You apparently didn’t read watch the videos yourself, because Linus did do research, and concluded to start with Ubuntu derivative Pop!_OS thanks to their previous review and quick looks of products from Linux hardware OEM System76. Linus even iterates that he made a mistake in not reading the fine print, but that’s an easy mistake to make if you have the expectation that a tested and working application should work. At what point should attempting to install Steam ever throw up a wall of text indicating that it might delete your desktop enviroment? It shouldn’t, that’s the problem. System76 have already begun efforts to remedy this. Sure, it’s because he’s a big important techtuber, but don’t play the card that he’s intentionally trying to make Linux look bad. People like Richard Stallman already do that well enough.

Linus opted for Manjaro and had a better time right away, considering there was no “Yes, do as I say” or even an Install button needed to get Steam going for him, as Manjaro bundles the software, and fully functional versions of the free drivers and proprietary nouveau and amdgpu drivers in. Manjaro, based on what you’re saying, should have been a worse experience, but that wasn’t the case! Funny that!

Anyway, they’ve concluded their challenge, and Luke at least has already decided that he will be keeping Linux for his work laptop, because as both of them emphasize, Linux is fantastic for normal day-to-day use. It just struggles in the field that made them take the challenge - gaming. Playing games outside of Steam can be a headache because Wine just isn’t up to par, and even games with Linux versions (like Valve’s own Dota 2 and CS:GO) can be completely broken with models that have incorrect polygon rendering. So whether it’s a game or software, regressions happen. Wayland, the main display server for Sailfish, and what Valve intends to ship with the Steam Deck in a month’s time, has been stuttering pretty poorly in OpenGL applications from my experience in Manjaro. The stutters stopped as soon as I gave in to using old reliable X.

I’ve been trying to blaze the Linux trail for a while myself, and I’ve gone back to Windows regularly because too much of my software, not even exclusively games, didn’t work in Linux and no viable substitutes were there. 2022 is the year where I am dead set to stay in this lane, eagerly awaiting the early access 10iii SFX, and to be frank, it’s going to be hard. I’m up for the challenge, but I’m lucky enough to have all the free time in the world and nothing mission critical to do with my hardware. See it from the perspective of a family man running a multimedia company with direct involvement and just accept that Linux is not ready for normal people.

I can’t recommend anyone I know, either immediate family or friends and colleagues, to try out Linux in general, let alone Sailfish OS. Even as passionate as I am to see the community and support grow, I can tell you the average person wants convenience, and Linux is the polar opposite of that unless it’s bundled up in a tight package with a venom-laced bow on top from Google.

I think you need to listen to Bryan Lunduke’s Linux Sucks seminars. I don’t honestly care for his approach, but if you’re hunting for honesty about Linux because you doubt a normal user’s perspective out of fear for shilling, let me tell you, Lunduke’ll sober you up about just how far off the “Year of Linux” really is.

And since this topic is still about the shortcomings of SFOS, yes, cheaper or free alternatives do exist, but it runs back to that platform problem. You could use Messenger from Facebook, but then, guess what? It’s FACEBOOK. Could use Skype, but oh, MICROSOFT. Hangouts? Wait, weren’t we trying not to use Google here?! XMPP? Your mom isn’t going to learn how XMPP works to send you a jpeg of the dog, get real. MMS is very much necessary, is more complex than just sending photos, and is not in any better condition than it was when I started with SFOS in 2019, and it doesn’t appear to have improved in the 10 years Sailfish has been in play.

@lolek You may not care, but that doesn’t make it a moot point. You must live in a region where 2G/3G reception is both plentiful, and not in danger of shutdown. That isn’t the case here in the US. 2022 is the death nell for the old systems. T-Mobile will have shut down Sprint’s services by summer, so all Sprint CDMA networks will be gone, and they’ve announced their GSM 3G will be sunset by July. AT&T states that 2G and 3G will be shutting down starting next month, and Verizon insists that their networks will be 4G and 5G-only by end of year. Our Sailfish-powered phones here will become nothing more than PDAs without the ability to make phone calls.

Again, this may not affect you at least right now, but the US SFOS community is in a concerning state, and some EU-based carriers are making their own plans to sunset 2G and 3G, so it is flat out impending.

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Please don’t take me wrong but from what I remember you can’t officially buy SFOS being in the US.
So if I understand correctly, for Jolla US is not an official target at least. I can only think about license problems. In EU the law is a bit different than what’s there so my own assumption is that it’s the case.

Tho I do see a valid point of getting the VoLTE working because of what operators are doing, right now the bigger problems is as I mentioned and you confirmed, get the basic things at least working properly.
We still don’t have RTC Alarms for example and that MMS thing…

what is volte…so if these us carriers shut down 2g/3g.will this sony x2A still work?

Are you all saying we here in the US are just wasting or time with sailfish ?

As someone wrote…all these years and very little improvement…

Learning so much from this thread

VoLTE … Voice over LTE, or 4G. Its basically the ‘new’ digital method of making phone calls over a 4G network. The ‘old’ method is 2G/3G GSM. Sailfish only does the ild method, which is why if you have a 4G data connection in use the phone has to drop this to a 2G/3G connection to make the call, and then when its over, reestablish a 4G data connection. A lot of countries/telcos are in the process of shutting down their 2G/3G networks (or have done so already), so, at the moment, Sailfish phones won’t be able to make normal phone calls anymore in these situations. Jolla are working on a VoLTE implementation, for Xperia 10 ii first, but we have no firm dates for this and no information as to which other phones will get it. My guess is they’ll only do 64 bit so this would rule out XA2 and older … But we’ll see. Its a race for Jolla to get VoLTE done before too many countries switch off 2G/3G - a race they’ve already lost in some places.

You don’t know that…

Maybe they are all working for Microsoft now ?!

I meant mainly the stuff that came along the way all those years untill now :

  • Simply keep sending SMS messages.
  • Then there was some BlackBerry stuff that became popular : Ping or something ?!
  • Then ofcourse came Apple with their own stuff…
  • Then the WhatsApp horror untill today… :face_vomiting:
  • But luckily there are also alternatives like Telegram/Signal/etc. :slight_smile:

I pay around € 7,50 or so and everything is Unlimited except for Data which I can only use at a very slow but Unlimited 8 KB/s so sending a MMS would take forever because you officially need a Data plan for it!

In fact I think all NEW subscribers don’t even have the same slow Data option at all! :wink:

I am their Western “nachbarn” :smiley:

Because without VoLTE we won’t be able to make calls via 4G/5G in the future when all lower options like 2G/3G start to disappear in some countries and perhaps in all countries eventually! :wink:

I am sorry to hear that buddy, because I couldn’t care less about Linus and care more about your health than his stupid YouTube Channel! :wink: :kissing_heart:

See above : Neither of those! :wink:

Let’s leave my mom or your mom out of this conversation! :wink:

But to be honest : If I wanted to then XMPP would be a option for sure! :stuck_out_tongue:

That seems to depend on the country you are in : Over here in The Netherlands pretty much no one cares about it! :wink:

Since I discovered all this MMS talk I have started asking friends and family members if they can remember the last time they have used MMS and EVERYONE answered : NO IDEA! :laughing:

So I suggest the following :

  • Make sure VoLTE works in 2022
  • After that start fixing Full MMS Support for all you guys! :slight_smile:

Unlike previous standards like 3G/2G/1G the new 4G/4G+/5G standards uses a VoIP method for voice communication and that is called VoLTE :wink:


I see you want to make auction…
in plan: mms, sms, landline, mobline, 120mins to abroad calls mobile and landline, 7GB network with full speed for below 10EUR.

great, so we should adopt to Netherlands? Sorry man but nope. We should focus on everybody and get the basic functionality.
MMS and SMS are the basic that allows you to communicate with everyone else without even bothering what kind of phone he’s using (except it’s broken very very very very old iPhone or Android but who cares?). All other phones do support sms and mms. You only need to know the phone no and that’s it.
So this give you a universal basic way of communication. No need for any third party provider that just locks you in it’s own green locked garden.
Actually right now SFOS is better than latest iOS in terms of SMS as it provides sms delivery reports which is something Apple still didn’t implement which is basic network functionality.
With VoLTE I know many countries are killing 2G/3G which have some impact but well it’s like chasing the rabbit. You need to have working base and not constantly add new things that’s half of working.

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Oh wow. Thanks…I did not know any of this. :frowning:

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Actually… NO. :slight_smile:

That’s not what I am saying! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think this :

Is a reasonable solution for all of us considering the VoLTE issues that might occur in the future and affect all of us! :wink:

So there is something The Jolla Team does better than the rest ?! :open_mouth:

GO SAILFISH !!! :wink: :laughing:

Oh Man that’s a slim Kudos right there.
But seriously do you all think the Jolla team even uses Sailfish as their prime phone? Or at all?

I am no seeing a scenario where thats possible.

Example Scenario:


Jolla Guy gets a call from Mark Eting, Mark tell Jolla:

“Hi Jolla, the American Music Rapper Jay Zee and his Music singing wife, Bounce Zee would love for you to send them a screenshot of the latest UI changes and a Video fromfrom.thethe phone’s camera,

They want to feature and even if possible shoot their next video “Sail’in Up Out This Joint” with a Sailfish powered device; Guy, this could be the exposure you need, his number is 1-###-###-####, talk to you soon”

I mean there is no way. This 10 year old OS can pull that task off, can it?

I know I can’t do it These basic functions to fulfill everyday basic request that many of us get today and we have to tell our buddies, I can’t play back your video or audio that you sent and no I can send your parents video of their grandkids singing happy birthday.

When they ask why you have to tell the you are using this quirky OS and that just not something it can do… then the call drops and phone reboots in the middle of the call…lol…

But well done on that SMS thing though.

I read somewhere that 2G will remain for longer time as there are too many technical devices using it (sensors or security etc.)

Yes, that was probably me. In the Uk we have millions of smartmeters, hospital pagers, street lighting control which all use 2G because of its low bandwidth and therefore power requirements. But whether the 2G network remains generally available to the public at its current coverage level for use by mobile phones I don’t know.

In Norway It is planned to switch off the 2G network in 2025. The carriers began shutting down 3G in 2019 and in January 2021 it was fully turned off.

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As far as I used SFos, I can’t say “There is NO way this update was tested. Nothing hardly works”.
I used the Sony Xperia 10ii as a daily drive for half a year. Everything was fine, except for the banking, parking, and smartwatch apps, which I was unable to use due to the lack of google play services.

Lithuania is also switched 3G connection off. Only 2G and 4G is remaining. Also, we no longer know what MMS and SMS are. In all the world innovation is moving very fast.
That’s why it’s important to move along with innovation and wish Jolla to be ahead with Sailfish OS! <3