The sounds of incoming calls, SMS, notifications disappear

Just experienced this bug myself. On Xperia 10 III running No phone call sounds, no alarm sounds, no notification sounds … Nothing.

Reason I noticed it was I had an alarm set to remind me of a meeting I had to go to that went off, but with no sound only a vibration.

So having read about thus bug then tried ringing my phone … No sound. Then tried sending myself a Telegram message from another device … No sound. Then tried an SMS from my wife’s phone … No sound.

A reboot brought the sound back, but obviously the issue is that you don’t know that you have missed something until, well, you miss something - and then its too late!

XA2 flashed.
This happens to me sometimes too.
No sound when SMS arrive and no notifications on the lockscreen or on the…well… where the weather forecast is. nothing telling me I had a message.
I didn’t think of trying to call my phone. I’ll try next time.
No idea yet what that could be related to.

This odd behaviour seems to be GPS related.

In my case, it is not about music, video or phone sound.
It is just the absence of notifications, hence their sound.
Example: Incoming SMS is invisible until I open the Messages app and discover new SMSes.

I have the same problem. Incoming calls, SMS notifications - all silent even if ringtone volume bar is at 60%.

For me restarting home screen from Settings → Utilities help to recover this.

I have suspicion that it is related to Bluetooth somehow.

I’m on latest 4.4.x

With my problem, I contacted zendesk support, from where I received an unsubscribe that
your phone contains some extra repositories (they should not be there):

– mentaljam-obs … /

– – sailfish os-com …


We have just this advice for you at this point:

Install/flash OS release to your phone.

There is no other way to fix it.

Then as I understand it, it was an isolated case.

I flashed the phone and haven’t used repositories since. But nothing changes from version to version and still the sounds of incoming calls, SMS, notifications disappear.

For myself, I solved the problem by screwing a script that checks pulseaudio.service every 15 minutes and, in case of a crash, restarts it with an entry in the log. I also created a separate simple script for manually restarting from applications – for those moments when I found a loss and waiting for the script to run on a timer does not make sense.
I’ll post the scripts below, maybe it will be useful to someone.

# manual script launch

On the path /home/default user/.local/share/applications/ create the pulseaudio_script.desktop script
With such content

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Run my script
Exec=fingerterm -e “/home/defaultuser/Templates/”
Comment=Terminal application

It is needed to display icons (you can choose at your discretion) in applications and for execution. As you can see above, the icon and the script itself are located in /home/defaultuser/Templates/
You throw an icon there icon_my_script.php and create a script there


echo `systemctl --user stop pulseaudio.service
echo `systemctl --user start pulseaudio.service`
echo `systemctl --user is-active pulseaudio.service` >>/home/defaultuser/Documents/hand_pulseaudio

# running the script on a schedule

In /home/defaultuser/.config/system/user/ create two scripts

  1. check-pulseaudio.timer
Description=AUDIO Checker timer


  1. check-pulseaudio.service
Description=AUDIO Checker

ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/defaultuser/Templates/

On the path /home/default user/Templates create


if (systemctl --user is-active --quiet pulseaudio.service); then
    echo "work"
    date >> /home/defaultuser/Documents/pulseaudio
    echo `systemctl --user stop pulseaudio.service`
    echo `systemctl --user start pulseaudio.service`
    systemctl --user is-active pulseaudio.service >> /home/defaultuser/Documents/pulseaudio

make it executable: chmod +x
That’s almost all, it remains only to turn it on and run:
systemctl --user enable check-pulseaudio.timer
systemctl --user start check-pulseaudio.timer

I’m not a developer, I did what I could and it works for me. For several months now, I have not been worried if the sound suddenly disappears again.
Perhaps there are other solutions.


Thanks for reporting this @comsorg. It looks like it could be the same issue as the following. Would you agree?

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just want to say, the same things happens with me today ! its really annoying !

The problem in the description is similar, but there is a difference. My application “Sounds” if it freezes, it does not recover itself in a minute - only a reboot or scripts that restart pulseaudio.service.

I think comsorg should get an award for fixing this huge bug

systemctl --user stop pulseaudio
systemctl --user start pulseaudio

In, sometimes the execution of commands causes the phone to hang for a few seconds and sometimes this is not enough, you need to restart ngfd

systemctl --user stop ngfd
systemctl --user start ngfd

make changes to running the script on a schedule


if ( systemctl --user is-active --quiet pulseaudio.service ) && ( systemctl --user is-active --quiet ngfd.service ); then
date >> /home/defaultuser/Documents/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")_pulseaudio.log
date >> /home/defaultuser/Documents/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")_pulseaudio.log
echo systemctl --user stop pulseaudio.service
echo systemctl --user stop ngfd.service
sleep 5
echo systemctl --user start pulseaudio.service
echo systemctl --user start ngfd.service
echo “pulseaudio is” systemctl --user is-active pulseaudio.service >> /home/defaultuser/Documents/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")_pulseaudio.log
echo “ngfd is” systemctl --user is-active ngfd.service >> /home/defaultuser/Documents/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")_pulseaudio.log

This seems to continue to happen in the (EA) - maybe even more than previously? Is there a way to pack this script and launcher icon in a patch and distribute it by chum or patchmanager?

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Yes, I’ve also had this happen on EA on an Xperia 10 III.

I don’t mind most issues with SailfishOS but this is pretty fundamental and important to always work.

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I’m currently on, waiting for the official release of 4.6. After the update I will check everything and post the script.

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Yeah, this really is the one thing that has to work. I have the impressen, that this occures a lot when using memory intensive apps. (In my case OSMAnd+ from FDroid seems to stress the system quite a lot).

Another call related issue for me, that is also not solved and quit anoying, is that calls sometimes remain in an not ‘exited/quit’ state, even if the call ended. Sailfish sometimes fail to notice that fact and only a reboot helps. I coudn’t yet find a report on the forums (but currently mobile…) for that and will open another bug report if no one can hint me to a already existing report on the forums.

Sound restart action was just added to sfos-utilities: [sailfish-utilities] Add restart audio action. JB#62180 by rainemak · Pull Request #67 · sailfishos/sailfish-utilities · GitHub

So we will never see Jolla fixing the actual issue I guess. Just as with network, fingerprint, bluetooth, and others.
What makes me really worry is that Jolla beleaves manually restarting audio after each missed call could be any solution? What are they using their phones for?


Oh, that is somehow good news, might prevent some restarts but with this bug remaining the phone is quite a risk if waiting for “important” calls or emergency situations. Therefore, best news, however, would be having the root cause found and tackled.
Is that a thing that is released by OS update or will it be sufficient to update the app frome the store?

There was an update to the app in the store in the past, so most probably the latter

On (Xperia 10 III) I just had WhatsApp and Signal losing connection for me when moving between home wifi to mobile. I only started getting messages again when I arrived at my destination and connected to another wifi. Restarting Android services while travelling did not resolve the issue.

Also not ideal.