The Pinetab2 Thread

Mine too: another device on which things are not going to work properly… :rofl:

Nope, seriously, I hope that Adam can make everything works smoothly on a open-hardware device.

Otherwise, there will be no any more excuse for the SFOS to being a crappy system. :wink:

Mee too, and auto-orientation is the next feature needed to use the display with the keyboard without keeping the head turned by 90° while typing. Don’t you?

I hope we both would not like the idea that Adam gets a neck-pain disease because typing at 90°… :wink:

Thankyou for pointing this out, I may have missed it otherwise! :smiley:

Funnily, it doesnt rank quite as high as

  • Checking the kernel config
  • Getting the device to boot without hacks
  • Networking

But you can of course PR any suggestions at GitHub - sailfish-on-dontbeevil/droid-config-pinetab2 :wink:


Also, the power button not reporting key-release event is quite important too


Well, without the network working you cannot use ssh or telnet to operate on the device and therefore having the auto-orientation settings work properly would be a huge advantage.

Moreover, to make it working - as I anticipated, most probably - the kernel config should be revised and also the boot hacks removed - as far as - they can interfere with the kernel, I do not think so but I cannot exclude it. What kind of hacks? Abstruse parameter settings into kernel cmdline should not be considered hacks, as far as I know.

BTW, it seems to me that you set the right path for achieving the screen auto-orientation. :wink:

Unfortunately, I do not remember if SFOS allows to set every orientation with the manual setting.

Hence, I made a quick search in this forum and I found that it is possible with a simple hack.

I hope this helps.


It might be or might not:

  • It depends by the reason of the failure.
  • It depends if it slows down your activity.
  • it depends on the product maturity level.

I would exclude the 3rd case, for now.

Power button fixed, sensors fixed, still no wlan

But with fixed sensors comes


and wlan


wow! running wlan is really a cool thing. All other distributions have not yet ready wlan driver…


Cant take all credit, the kernel with wlan driver is from the Okpine project, and Herman from the LuneOS port been a great help and source of knowledge.


Added some info/links to the top post.

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Some quick install instructions added to the first post. Basically, use flash-it to flash an SD card and boot using the debug dongle.


Just wanted to try it out. But when I connect the UART adapter my pinetab2 doesn’t start oO

uart is in the bottom port, and the usb cable attached to the lower port on the uart, and the switch set to SD ?

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Everything except the USB cable, what’s on there? Charging cable or something?

I’ve now tried it with the UART adapter but nothing happens with minicom, no matter how long I press

I solved the problem and will test and set it up extensively this evening


Great news that you work on this. Thank you! I’ve been wanting a tablet with Sailfish os for quite long.and maybe this could be it.


Summary of Pinetab 2: (so far)

  • It seems to be a pretty stable port. The biggest problem is the wanky wifi (which I’m sure will improve over time!). For me, it improved a lot when I started to use the ‘guest mode’, where the authentication method is ‘open system’ and no wpa key is used.
  • I don’t think Bluetooth is working (driver needs to be implemented).
  • Notification sounds are not heard. (otherwise the sounds work).
  • There seems to be no GPS? (but I don’t need it)
  • Camera does not work (yet)
  • Waydroid works
  • There is enough RAM (8 GB), no oom killer / low memory killer so far.
  • Moderate battery life (could be worse)
  • The installation on the memory card was easy to do.

My PineTab2 also arrived, yeah! Thanks @piggz for the great Adaptation. It runs very smooth. Did someone know, how to setup DualBoot, so i can keep the microsd card inside the pinetab2 and choose which os to boot?

And what is the best way to transfer SailfishOS to the intenal emmc?

Thats very cool, that @piggz got WiFi Working. I ask me, if this solution could help somehow on other Linux Distributions of PineTab2. On Arch Linux and on Mobian, the internal Wifi Chips is not working.
@piggz do you think, your wifi hack could also work on Linux?



This Friday my tab has been delivered. I tried Arch Linux, Rhino, Sailfish and Mobian. There are nice distributions but Sailfish is very ok for this device. Sometimes the tablet needs some time for thinking but it’s runing stable and I’m very happy with the current progress. My wish would be to flash the OS directly to the internal eMMC. is it now possible? Could I flash the downloaded image with dd to the internal storage or do some files need a change from you?

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