Temporary files generated in SDK

No biggie, but somewhat annoying, each time I make edits to pages/files in my application I note these files are accumulating;


I only need to delete them, but why are they being created?, what’s the point, if there is one…?

That’s a bit odd. I don’t get temp files with the SDK on linux (3.10.4). Not that it should matter, but is it a docker style or virtualbox install?

Virtualbox install on Windows 10. Have done a fresh install of SDK and am not seeing any temp files at the moment. My previous install of SDK just stopped building. {{{smh}}}.

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Ah, thanks! I thought it looked like windows, but, as you said, ‘why’?

Indeed, ‘why’ is the question I often ask myself with regard to SDK.

My installs seem to break roughly every 3 months.

Hmmm. The last two versions have been stable for me. I just noticed that the ‘changes’ processing, which switched to a new tool name (sfdk-changes ?) now doesn’t get the intsall root right, so maybe there is an issue with the ‘root’ path for the sdk . I any case, while building rpms today, the sdk couldn’t run the changes script because it was looking at one level higher than it should have. That’s new. But I don’t use the changes thing a lot.