System: Running out of space. Check your


With a Sony Xperia 10 III, I use the version.

In the notification part, I have a new massage that it can’t remove:

Running out of space. Check your

I can’t find a way to see the end of this alert. I can’t go in landscape mode to see the message, the portrait mode for some application, but not for the notifications.

Anyway, I’ve checked my storage:

User data → Used = 10.8 GB, Available = 86.6 GB
System data → Used = 2.0 GB, Free = 2.7 GB
Memory card (ext4) → Used = 8.0 GB, Free = 108?6 GB

Even if I have a license, I don’t use any Android application. I use only Jolla’s application. I’ve remove some of them, but nothing change.

My device seems strange now. The camera application could be opened, but immediately, it goes in icon, impossible to use it.

Thank you in advance for any help.


The camera application could be opened, but immediately, it goes in icon, impossible to use it.

You can try to start camera app from the terminal and check log output… When there will be nothing usefull, you can use strace to get idea what system calls are failing…

Can you post the output of running df -h in the terminal?

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Even the terminal application is not stable.

I’ve try to make a last backup before a crash: error :frowning:
An other try for the backup was working.

If make something that doesn’t like: power off / power on. The situation seems to be stable now :interrobang: I don’t like that because I don’t understand were is the problem.

I give you the output of “df -h”.

I would suspect a problem of RAM rather than a problem of disk space. maybe a running job eating all the memory.

I’ve forgotten this possibility. I’ve missed the opportunity to test this.

A problem of RAM, I hope that this the reason.

Thank you all for your help :slight_smile: