Sync issue after CalDAV server change

Hi All,

I’m unsure if this is the right category for this post, feel free to move if necessary.

For years i’ve used a pricate CalDAV server (with radicale software) with my Sailfish phones (first a Fairphone FP2, now Sony Xperia 10 iii). It has worked well for me.

Now i changed the server side, which changed the URL of the calendar. First is was https:///. which gave issues because it always seems to append the username, so now it’s https:////. Some things improved, for example the phone can now discover the available calenders.
I deleted the old CalDAV account(s) and created the new one with multiple calendars enabled. (As a reference: I keep calendars per year to avoid having a single calendar with 1000s of items, i always sync last year, this year, next year, and a separate calendar for special days like birthdays, etc.).

This gives multiple issues:

  • In the current year sync seems to work. Only january and february stay empty. When i use thunderbird on my desktop to see what’s there, i can see the events are present on the server.
  • I don’t see any events in last years’ calendar

I thought the issue might have been that i simply moved the calendars on the server side (so any unique id is still the same), so i hoped to fix this by deleting the calendar database, but after that a sync still results in the same result.
I do have a copy of the db from before i deleted it, so if needed i can check things in there.

Do you have any suggestions on how to solve this?

Edit: I also described a problem with the special days calendar, but that turned out to be a server side issue, this is solved now.

There is a sync range for CalDAV entries. If you look into ~/.local/share/system/privileged/msyncd/sync, you will find the profiles used by Buteo to sync your account. (Notice that you need to type devel-su -p before doing it, since these profiles reside in a directory that is visible only to the group privileged).

There are two keys named Sync Next Months Span and Sync Previous Months Span which are used to poll the server with a time range. I don’t remember which values are default… but I think that only the 6 previous months are synced.

I also think that this range is not used when the initial sync is done, only when doing delta calculations. So the initial sync should bring the events before the last 6 months. So maybe, it’s not the issue you’re observing…

Thanks, you are right, the default is the last 6 months.
For now i’ve set it to 24 months and that brought back this year and last year.

It seems to make sense to ignore this setting with the initial sync, but as far as i can see that’s not happening.