Hi, I had my phone stolen last night and was curious if there was a way through my Sailfish account to disable to phone remotely so that it cannot be accessed? I use a passkey on lockscreen of course and have all sensitive information on the phone locked under other passkeys but would like the peace of mind that whoever took it really cant even get into it at all in case theyre able to get past the lockscreen on a stroke of luck and could get into something.
Thanks for any advice or tips.
There might be ways if you have enrolled it in a remote management solution, (MDM Framework - Sailfish OS) but if you had you probably would know already.
There are also things like reverse ssh tunnels which could be used, but this also would have to be set up beforehand.
I was working on a function like this and the service described in this post is the best solition:
In my country does not exist any internet provider that allows ssh connection to home but you can choose whatever (payed) service to have it up and working
There used to be a prey client (still to be found in openrepos) but it appears the entire project has died in between, since https://preyproject.com seems down?