STK controls network menu and provider selection despite manual selection

In my Jolla C ( i have a SIM card from travsim / Vodafone. The SIM Application Toolkit (STK) on the Sim has several selection menus. Actually, I should be able to choose the network (Telekom / Vodafone / E-Plus) myself, since the card is activated for all three networks. However, if I have logged into the Telekom network manually, for example, I get a so-called service message after a while. The Jolla C is then disconnected from the mains on the mains side (probably by a SIM card reset). In the Simtool app, a menu selection is switched from “Smart” to “Special” and the network search of the Jolla C is also switched, namely from manual to automatic for a short time! The SIM card then usually logs into the Vodafone network. In the settings under Mobile network, the function Select network automatically is deactivated again. The Simtool app can then no longer be called up, but only appears again when the Jolla has been restarted. This means that the Jolla C is partly controlled by the SIM card in which it briefly activates the settings for the Jolla under Mobile network> Network automatically and then deactivates it again. Attempts to prevent this with enableSimToolkit = false under etc / ofono / ril_subscription.conf have failed. They get it over and over again (!!), how can I prevent that ??? It is interesting that I still have an old Simens ME45 cell phone. If I use this SIM card there, despite the service message, it is not possible to switch to another network, since the mobile phone probably does not allow access and the mobile phone cannot be switched from manual network selection to automatic network selection by the STK!

Under (Kvarken) unfortunately no change, the SIM card still controls the network selection!


I once inserted the SIM card in a Jolla 1 with the Sailfish OS version (Einheminlampi). On the SIM side, the setting from manual network selection to automatic network selection could NOT be CHANGED !! The Jolla was and will remain set to manual network selection. Sim card resets were also carried out separately on the network side. It was good that the SIM Application Toolkit (STK) was always available, so it was not “deactivated” as is the case with later Sailfish OS versions after a SIM card reset! I made the same experience with a Nokia E7 under Symbian (Nokia Belle).

Also under there is no improvement either … the SIM card is still used to control the logging into the “provider desired network”!

Jolla C with version (Struven ketju), in Simslot 1 is a “Multicard” from Vodafone (SIM card), which can theoretically log into all three German mobile networks. The “network selection” of the Jolla C is still controlled, presumably via the SIM card chip, after receiving a so-called “service message” briefly from manual to automatic and back to manual, without me as the user having to do so touched the touchscreen. Here the control comes exclusively from the chip of the SIM card. Oddly enough, the SIM Toolkit (STK) then disappeared from the display. After a restart or deactivation and activation of the sim slot, STK is back. I have also noticed that changes to the STK are always reset to the original state desired by “Vodafone”. Probably also controlled by the chip of the Vodafone SIM card. There is still potential here to make Sailfish OS more secure and to protect it from unauthorized access, such as a SIM card. It is probably also possible for the network operator to access an active SIM card in the smartphone and possibly make adjustments to the SIM card memory, creepy!

@Degenhard.T, as you have been quite active ovber the course of two years on this STK (SIM application ToolKit) topic, are you aware that this thraad does not constitute a bug report:

  • This is not filed in the bug category.
  • It does not use the bug template.

Consequently Jolla will ignore this; from their perspective it is just some forum user spinning his own thread.

While your observations were interesting to read for me once, I failed to concisely comprehend the issue: Filling out the bug form and condense all this into a brief problem statement, then starting new thread with it, which IMO should reference (i.e., link to) this one for details.