Starting developping apps for sailfish

There are many fashions about programming languages. And more fashions about the right way to enter the code. When you have a beloved way to create fancy programms - then do it this way! The Joillaboys and many programmers around here has found that QML, C++ and the Sailfishos SDK IDE are useful for their works but you can go your own way of course. Do it!

When you have found your way please let us know what it is.

PS.: In former times there was a list of criterias to recognize the qualification of a programmer. 10 levels was defined. To the lower levels counts the use of RPG (a programming language for non-programmer). In the middle there was the normal programmers of this days. And at the top level there was the programmer using the Unix-shell command cat to enter the code of the device driver directly in the file. And it works directly. To join this top level your first name have to start with D (like Dennis Ritchie) or K (like Ken Thompson). – You can see, we have never the one best & only way for doing a damn good job.