Sounds and feedback doesn't work after sfos-upgrade verify

I used now the following command 'zypper in -f --repo jolla gstreamer1.0: See

. Is this exactly what I need (for gstreamer1.0 1.20.7 → gstreamer 1.0 1.20.4)?

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‘Zypper pa -i’ looks now as follow:

. What is meant with ‘i+’?

The jolla Media app is already starting up again… Yeah :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry, I meant pkcon.

But good you were able to solve this.

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Where can I find the gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly 1.20.4? In the jolla repo it is not available?

I just run zypper ve. This was the result:

. What is here exactly the problem? Is this message bad? What should I do?

Sorry, I just discovered this thread now.
To wrap things up:

These issues occur, when one of lpr’s repositories (i.e. lpr, lpr_A7, lpr_next, and also NielDK's and lachs0r's repository; these are the ones I know of) at OpenRepos is enabled during an SailfishOS upgrade or certain packages from these repos are installed during an upgrade (e.g. almost all of lpr’s packages).
Since SailfishOS 3.4.0 Jolla’s GUI updater automatically tries do detect such offending packages and the repositories they come from, and removes these packages and repositories. But it sometimes detects false positives (i.e. packages provided by Jolla and / or packages which did not replace packages provided by Jolla) and false negatives (i.e. offending packages or repositories are not removed), which both results in a more or less broken SalfishOS installation (from minor issues like the ones described here to “device does not boot to the GUI”).

Technically there are two issues:

  1. Installed packages which replaced Jolla provided packages and either carry a different name or a higher version number than Jolla’s packages. No matter if they carry a different name and threw out the original package from Jolla by a Conflicts: statement or threw the original package out by a higher version number, which is still higher than the package the SailfishOS upgrade provides, the “foreign” package will stay and may cause breakage with the new SailfishOS release these “foreign” packages were not created for and tested with.
  2. Repositories which offer packages replacing Jolla provided packages, which carry a higher version number than Jolla’s packages of a SailfishOS release one upgrades to, will be installed during the upgrade process.

I have not employed any such measures in sfos-upgrade like Jolla’s GUI updater does since SailfishOS 3.4.0, but seeing such accidents still happening, it may make sense to disable the aforementioned repositories at OpenRepos by sfos-upgrade and remove any package installed from them which supersedes or conflicts a Jolla provided package before the upgrade proper: A PR addressing this is very welcome, but the second part is hard to get right (as Jolla’s GUI updater shows). OTOH, I do not want to remove all installed packages these repositories provide, because for example I once installed mc (Midnight Commander) from NielDK via Storeman, but immediately disabled his repository after installation (and Jolla does not provide mc), hence all is fine.


Please mind that Jolla’s policy for upgrading SailfishOS at the command line is: “Only do that, when the GUI updater fails.” Though YMMV.


Sorry I have no idea. Do you experience any issues you relate to this?


Yes, because the “ugly” GST-plugins have licensing issues: See for details.
As this package does not replace one from Jolla, probably it does not cause issues.


Many thanks to everyone of you. All audio functions are working again and incoming / outgoing calls are possible again. :+1: :wave:


Pls provide a detailed description of what you did before and after, I still don’t believe ‘sfos-upgrade --verify’ caused all this