Sound volume problem for recordings in sailfish os

There is a bug report filed, and a workaround…
pactl set-source-volume 2 300%
…frustrating it is though.

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I made that command a shortcut in qCommand and just have to remember hitting it after every reboot.

i know of the opened but report, but i felt like opening another cause this problem is so old it need to gets necrobumped from time to time

anyway, are you able to send messages to iphones?cause i nooticed they don’t read damn ogg vorbis files, which is what yottagram uses by the way…

Can’t say about ogg vorbis, never tried other then plain sms/mms, which works great.

Not sure what you’re talking about. But I would guess it might be port dependent. I do recordings with the phone and the jolla app all the time. Mostly in the basement studio which IS loud, but, nevertheless, the recordings are always fine. If not distorted from the excess volume in the room.

Soooo, maybe, you could be a bit more precise about exactly ‘who’ or ‘what’ is effected.

EDIT: I’m using a rephone, at the moment. And those recordings are obviously just fast and dirty. Considering the size of the microphone.

I also experienced very low volume recording room conversation (with agreement of course).
For sure on X10 but maybe even XA2 IIRC. OTOH X10 had low volume on regular calls and with BT headphones.

I do hope that SFOS will be better on X10V and C2.
C2 is close to me now :wink: (tomorrow hopefully in my hands) but in the meantime I have to suffer Andy on X10V as I need a working camera. With it’s silly low max volume as well. Sometimes barely audible. In noisy environment I need to use speaker to hear the conversation. And it seems that mic volume is also low as many people don’t understand/hear me very well.

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i’m using an xa2

when recording something with the jolla recorder, voice is barely udible, even if mouth was very near the microfone, i was speaking loud and the volume for listening is at max

is a problem that plagued sailfish since day one i would say

i tried recording with audio recorder found on openrepos, and with flac audio and recording volume boosted to 100% it’s at least udible, but it’s still a pain to use, and the worst thing is that app support works well in this case (like telegram voice notes for example)

Strange. On Mine (XA2), recording works just as it should.
Voice notes, songs that I want to identify later etc. Just as expected.

If there was a software problem with recording in Sailfish in the past, I’d suspect a confusion with an new hardware problem proper to the XA2 you are using.

Could/did you test with a wired headset that has a known working microphone?

It must be a software problem. All my Sailfish phones have the same problem. JC, X and X 10 III. Didn’t check the X 10 V though.
And as I said, the workaround works… on all of them.

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I just compared my rephone with the x10iii. The rephone is about 20% louder out the gate. The output from the 10iii is clearly audible with the phone held in the lap while speaking normally.

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I don’t have a wired set with microphone, sorry

Anyway, seems like tons of people are having this problem, even in this thread so it’s quite common

But anyway i had the xa2 some time with android and i didn’t have such problem so it’s a sailfish thing

Sorry what do you mean by lap?

When i was on android i could make clear voice notes on telegram with the phone on the passenger seat of the car and me in the driver seat, on sailfish my voice is barely udible speaking almost inside the microphone with louder voice and then listening to it at max volume

There is clearly something wrong…

The test i made was with the phone in lying in my lap. But I often make recordings of instruments where the phone is several meters away from the phone. In any case, it looks like it’s related to the phone since I see different levels on the 10iii and the rephone.

probably, i hope anyway they’ll address the problem one day, i do sent very few voice notes but in almost everyone of them people complained they could barely hear me…

I’m doing voice notes to self all the time, but not audible without the workaround.

Is that on a 10iii? I wonder why mine works :slight_smile:

Yes, X10III, X and JC. Never tried on X10V.

Recording doesn’t work at all on xperia 10 V.

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I suspect that there are different configurations of the Xperia 10 iii out there. Why do some experience the audio loss after GPS use heaviky and constantly, whereas other 10 iii users are free from them??
Different configurations in minor hardware might explain also your observation

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Could this bug report be related?