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Why do I get this message when trying to get into from Sweden? VPN yes, still Swedish server.

It took me years to convince google my servers were not located inside of the Russian Federation, so maybe just a general problem with geo-ip.

I have tried three different server locations within Sweden, but get the same answer to all three. I think it’s VPN in general that’s blocked.

You can check RIPE to find out who has the IP range, and then send them a e-mail and tell them to update their records or tell them to fill out this form manually.

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Sorry, I don’t understand. What IP range, mine or Jollas? Either way, I’m not going to put any energy into it.
I just wanted to make Jolla aware of the problem, if it is not intentional.
Personally, I can disconnect my VPN, if I have to go into the shop.

Have you tried other servers in EU, but outside of Sweden to see if it really is your whole VPN provider, or just the servers located in Sweden?

No, I stayed in Sweden. I want to avoid Swedish (in fact american) surveillance regulation, that says our FRA (Equivalent to the American NSA) can monitor all cross-border traffic.

And don’t ask me why… It is a purely principled statement of freedom.

Put in the IP that the VPN gives you, check with your VPN connected, put that in the RIPE search to find out where the VPN says it is from