Sony Xperia III - Android 12

@rtr2001 @Dickus51 It should work, but is not recommended

@rainemak: Still as of 2022-09-12.

I installed with Android 12, installation went fine… and i am using SFOS from almost a month. all is fine…

Hope this helps


In the end I connected it again to USB and rebooted using fastboot reboot . That worked well.

God bless you.

Thank you @rainemak for addressing this, but unfortunately now the footnote 4 is broken and footnote 5 is missing.

My suggestion how to fix this: Alter
[4] Both Android 11 and Android 12 are compatible with Sailfish. However, we recommend using Android 11, so select Android baseband 59.1.A.x.y if available.
[4] Both Android 10 and Android 11 are compatible with Sailfish. However, we recommend using Android 11, so select Android baseband 59.1.A.x.y if available.
[5] Both Android 11 and Android 12 are compatible with Sailfish. However, we still recommend using Android 11, so select Android baseband 62.0.A.x.y if available.
and append a [5] to the second column of the Xperia 10 III entry.


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Thanks for pointing this out, article is now updated.

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Sorry for the offtop (I would’ve sent you a PM but can’t find how it’s done on this platform), but could you please tell me if there is an updated version of your (awesome) XPeria partitioning guide? I’m interested in whether anything changed WRT XPeria 10 III and/or Vanha Rauma.

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Reading often helps, here the “P.S.” of this guide at TJC. :wink:
olf / SailfishX on Xperias · GitLab

tnx for the dox, this seems to not miss important steps at the very beginning of the use that may affect the success of installing sfos…)

I wish I’ve known this dox when I started to try installing sfos to xperia 10 iii a week ago. (still not able to get pass fastboot oem unlock phase - have spent couple of hours today to figure out what to do next…)

so here I am again … my Sony Xperia 10 III unfortunately sometimes stays silent and doesn’t ring when somebody calls me … has anyone else of you experienced something like that?

I was thinking of maybe trying to flash it with the latest version of Sailfish … would the instructions found at → How to install Sailfish X on Xperia™ 10 III on Linux - Jolla ← apply here as well? I originally flashed my device using a Windows computer …

also … due to currently / still not having a memory card I cannot install any updates yet, things have failed last time and I lost all the data, contacts, pictures, etc I had unfortunately.

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I would use this automatic script and set it to 2 minutes: The sounds of incoming calls, SMS, notifications disappear - #17 by comsorg

To change the systemd timer to run every two minutes, you can modify the OnCalendar parameter as follows:


This will run the timer at every 0, 2, 4, 6… minutes.

Just for information in case someone has the same problems -
in short read the current thread + this one

just got my xperia 10iii this weekend and didnt expect it to be that time consuming to get sailfish working…
Runs Android 13 - so i had to unlock using sony instructions and a usb-2 port (usbc to usb-c didnt work).

And now im confused.
Emma shows me:



App-Sw: 62.2.A.0.533
Android version: 13

Selected services shows a list of 3:

  • XQ-BT52 62.0.A.3.109 GLOBALEEA-A2 User-Live COM CustomerId(S20000234) Software Update Content Erase Developer_World

  • XQ-BT52 62.0.A.3.17 GLOBALEEA-A2 User-Live COM CustomerId(S20000234) Software Update Content Erase Developer_World

  • XQ-BT52 62.2.A.0.525 GLOBAL-A2 User-Live COM CustomerId(S20000234) 13 Software Update Content Erase Developer_World

For the first one i can find a forum entry from August 21 sayin its Android 11.
What was confusing that it says XQ-BT52 62.0.A.3.109 instead of the mentioned 61.0.A.3.109.

The 62.x downgrade with Emma worked for me.

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There is absolutely no need to downgrade the 10 III. Installing SFOS over either Android 12 or 13 works perfectly fine. In fact, by downgrading to Android 11 you actually preserve numerous issues (e.g. echo cancellation issue or screen tint/banding) not present otherwise, as they were then fixed by Sony in Android 12.

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If thats the case it would be :star_struck: awesome if Jolla could add this Information that otherwise lets people waste unneeded hours to find ways to work around the problems that occur during flashing sailfish to the official help

I myself can find no statement of Jolla regarding anything in that direction - only a post that flashing with 12 is less tested then 11 - therefor 11 is recommended.
If is the case that some issues are resolved by the Android 12 and 13 update this imho contradicts a recommendation of 11.

Now im a bit confused what is best - official recommendation or the info someone (no offense meant) in sailfish forum tells. I have not yet flashed - but downgraded from android 13 to 11 - and am testing functions for some time as suggested in the help.

Did you discover any downsides of flashing sailfish over a13? Mobile Data? Echo? All the stuff you can find in forum threads.

Yes. I’ve been using SFOS on my 10 III on top of Android 12 (latest available version) and with Android 12 binaries (v2a) for many months (see e.g. this post of mine from April) without a slightest issue. Before that I also tested it with Android 13, without any problems, either. Actually, I couldn’t notice any difference between 12 and 13. It is 12 that fixes some issues, and 13 just keeps them fixed.

Indeed, it’d be nice of them.

Well, that’s how it is. They only tested 11 thoroughly, 12 only slightly and 13 not at all, so they keep recommending 11, and that’s it. They clearly have better things to do.

They are. Many other people confirmed this. See e.g. this post confirming that echo and screen tint are gone.

That’s your very own choice. I don’t intend to convince you in any way and I really don’t care :slight_smile:

Please read the aforementioned thread, it makes no sense to repeat it. Android 12 and 13 fix (i.e. remove) issues like echo, not add them. As for mobile data, it has always worked for me, so I can’t tell anything about any possible improvements.


Just did another flash with Emma - this time the 2nd option.

As mentioned there are 3 options available currently:

  1. XQ-BT52 62.0.A.3.109 GLOBALEEA-A2 User-Live COM CustomerId(S20000234) Software Update Content Erase Developer_World

  2. XQ-BT52 62.0.A.3.17 GLOBALEEA-A2 User-Live COM CustomerId(S20000234) Software Update Content Erase Developer_World

  3. XQ-BT52 62.2.A.0.525 GLOBAL-A2 User-Live COM CustomerId(S20000234) 13 Software Update Content Erase Developer_World

While i started with flashing the 1. option - which is android 11 i thought the 2. will be Android 12. But it isnt - it is also Android 11.

Searching a little i found a (not complete) overview of updates for the xperia 10iii by Sony. So the 3. Option is Android 13.

So with Emma there are currently Android 11 (2 Versions) and 13 downloadable.
Which makes me wonder how to get Android 12.
Well - for simplicity reasons i will try the 3. option and hope it will work without issues.

Well, it’s all in the thread I recommended you to read. Please see e.g. this post


thx - i actually read that post with a “hell no” in mind yesterday. So my conclusion seems correct: there is no easy way to get Android 12 via Emma. Just your locking-bootloader-on-android11-and-spending-hours-updating-ota Method. Thx - but no thx :hear_no_evil:

Currently (trying to download) Sailfish image - but thats another issue (“Shop not available in your county” - which is wrong and a problem that seem to happen from time to time - The forum search tells more). Another thing to fix dear Jolla…

Thx for the info @wetab73

Well, as I said, I couldn’t spot any difference between using SFOS on top of Android 13 or 12, both worked OK and without any noticeable side issues. So just go ahead and flash Android 13 with EMMA, and then the Android 11 based binaries recommended by Jolla.