Sony Xperia 10 V - First impressions

Looks great, though does that suggest no AppSupport for the time being?

Yes, I think we get Sauna for 10 IV and V but without AppSupport and the next version without old devices will have Android support. So I think The android api level will be updated soon but only for new devices.
I want to buy the XQ-DC72 but this model seems to be not supported :frowning:

what does “old devices” mean exactly in this context? Are there technical reasons?

I guess old device is not aarch64, so any device before 10ii…

I mean unsupported devices and not old. My mistake with this word

According to the announcement by Jolla, “Old devices” seemed to be Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Gemini PDA, Xperia X.

See Jolla announcement:

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Ah, I understood, there would be no 4.6 for those devices. Thus my confusion. Thank you

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do i understand correctly that the xperia 10iii does not get the newer android environment?

No, all devices other than Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Gemini PDA, Xperia X get it


Darn, without AppSupport I can’t move over to 10 V as my daily driver. This is now less than optimal news, though obviously I’m glad for the confirmation on the device support.

If we don’t get App-Support on 10V with v4.6 (sauna?), then what exactly are we paying for?
Exchange support and a auto-fill keyboard…

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You don’t have to pay until AppSupport is ready, if that’s your deal-breaker.


it’s more that a phone isn’t really a phone in the modern sense if you don’t have access to Whatsapp/Skype/etc.

don’t get me wrong, i’m buying a license regardless of whether I ever buy a 10V to put it on, just wondering how less ideologically committed customers will respond…

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I’m not at all sure the device is still available for buying when the AppSupport for it gets introduced. So, on my part I already paid my three fiddy for the device to ensure getting one.

The license fee is but a fraction of the overall cost, and anyways I’m not one to re-flash and re-re-flash so I’ll be getting a full-featured Sailfish X from the day 1. A more pressing issue to me is that the flip cover for my 10 II is already in such a condition that an average mugger would probably pity me on sight and not take my phone. I was quite looking forward to move to 10 V.

Don’t we all? We just have to wait for the next update when it comes to AppSupport. I’m confident it will not take very long.


Well, I don’t use all those Whatsapp/Skype/etc and still I think my phone is a phone. :wink:
I also think that people who ‘need’ all those Android apps should be better of with staying on Android. It would be so much easier.
To me, AppSupport is jus a way to run those mandatory banking apps that I really need, and nothing more. Until I can get that on my X10V, I have my X10III.


Our definition of ‘need’ might be different.

My banking apps are done on a separate android handset that stays in the home.

But communication is something that really needs to be in my pocket - wherever I am.


You may think that, but the company that actually sells Sailfish X as their product has used the support for Android apps as a selling point since the day one back in 2013 (and it was a selling point that Windows Phone was missing, and see which one is still around). Dropping that feature, even temporarily, for the new top-performing supported devices is a thing that is an actual thing.


While I understand, that people don’t like the UX of Android and therefore use SF. I’m not so sure if this should be the only reason to switch to Sailfish and I doubt, that it was meant like that. I think SF was always meant to be an alternative OS for people, who are concerned about privacy and/or want a hackable Linux device. App support, in my opinion, was always there to make it easier to switch, when some apps are not available for SF. Using Whatsapp/facebook and all the other antisocial media platforms on a Sailfish device is IMHO a contradiction. Using Sailfish just as a launcher for Android apps feels horribly wrong to me. Anyway, I absolutely understand that there are some apps which makes sense or are needed for some usecases. But using google to search, Microsoft for Mail and Facebook and its messengers for communication on a device made for privacy is somewhat strange.

That’s just my 2 cents and I might be wrong.


No one is dropping anything, not even temporarily, it’s just not yet ready for the next device. But of course, they could have waited another unspecified amount of time to introduce the next device. Would that have made you happier?