Sony 10 V Sailfish images

Yes this one i know. But i had a huge Adrenalin rush putting sfos on it. And it runs really smooth and fast on that device. It’s a real charm


For me this does not matter, I always carry a mirrorless with me, never use a phone to take pictures.
I am so happy the V now runs sweet Sailfish instead of ugly and messy Android


Concerning the battery level, this was stated by the jolla team. It is a beta version.

Concerning the camera , this was stated by the jolla team. It is a beta version.

Yes i know both, but for the people that didn’t read thaw

I can remember to see a pull request with a ofono config. This commit blocked the second slot of Xperia 10V. It was necessary because of eSIM from european model. My version has two physical sim card slots. I will check it and probably we can activate the second card soon :slight_smile: or we will wait for an official image from Jolla


We all care so much about those.

I found only this part but I’m not sure that it will be user by ofono. I will look for others:

#FILE: /etc/appsupport.conf.d/30-hybris.conf
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Thanks for working on this! I have the dual sim version of the 10 V waiting for a SFOS image. Great to see action.


nano /etc/ofono/binder.conf
ExpectSlots = slot1,slot2

path = /ril_0
slot = 0

path = /ril_1
slot = 1

devel-su systemctl restart ofono

Both sim cards are visible, but eSIM has no option to configure.