Some whole threads are "temporarily" closed for at least "X" days due to a "large" number of snowflake flaggings

My little bit.
But first - I worked on a forum, as a moderator for almost 8 years, before it was closed down due to the record company shifting things over to social media.
From what I’ve seen here the majority of the threads were closed because posters were incessantly drifting off topic, risking the thread losing it’s true purpose.
This is like someone asking for help to fix an issue with their phone and someone jumping in with a partial answer and suddenly switching over to describing how to change a wheel on a Mustang. Then when they get the post edited and asked to stay on topic they go into all out anti-censorship mode and start bagratting people off.
I’ve had posts hijacked on forums and even on social media where, rather than creating a new thread/topic someone jumps in with something totall irrelevant and it’s infuriated me.
Best to stay on topic and then you don’t get threads like this.

Thanks to everyone who has helped me with my issues over the past few weeks. (And kept on topic :grinning:)


It’s not the truth, it’s your personal opinion and as a 10 iii owner I do not share the same opinion.
First of all, Jolla never promised the moon, it’s beta software and they make it pretty clear during the process of buying the license. Where did they say that they offer the “best” system (whatever it means for you)?
Secondly, I don’t have issues with battery drain or performance in general on my 10 iii with SFOS, I use it as daily driver.


Wonderful thoughts, unique and never before presented in this clear form.

Unfortunately, they have nothing to do with what is happening here: no one is contacting your relatives/friends to tell them you are “bad” (If I am wrong here, please correct me.). You do that yourself very coquettishly in various places in this and countless other threads to the whole public gathered here. So what is really happening here: You simply harvest contradiction, because other people are of a different opinion. This is of course terrible and offending, but has nothing to do with the situation presented by you.

What is really exhausting is this victim pose into which you (two) hallucinate yourselves. “We knights of truth and right are canceled by the mainstream”, although quite obviously this does not happen. Your posts are visible to everyone (sometimes after one click), but neither (as far as I know) one of your longish elaborations has been deleted, nor has a moderator (the corrupted person in uniform) contacted other participants (for example me) and pointed out your badness. At least I suspect the latter, but admittedly my empirical base there only extends to a population of N=2 (me and one other forum participant who has not commented on any of these posts yet nor flagged (according to her statement to me).

The argument, presented in the most beautiful and clear language, thought through, thus runs completely into the void and is completely useless at this point. Too bad, they were as I said wonderful, stringent and above all really novel thoughts.


I’m always annoyed afterwards that I jump over such sticks, so I’ll (hopefully) refrain from commenting on any of these completely off-topic posts in the future. May my strength be enough to hold me back!


I did stop to read here because you completely missed the point.

Again, you are focused on your own bellybutton without any clue of what is happening in the real world. This way of perceiving things in a small framework brings you to be a self-reference community. Hence, I am not surprised at all that nobody contacted you.

In fact, the SFOS system never had a serious external review of the community code and scripts as well. Even those who claim, at least in my private message box, to be seasoned professionals seem to have any clue about how to conduct a review or a refactoring. Finally, as typical of a self-referencing community, you all reacted to negative feedback like children and in the best case citing the manual of the discussion forum.

Back to the main point, it was a way to explain that outside the mainstream (or the matrix), the world is an extremely interconnected and complex place - full of dangers and opportunities, both - at the point that almost all the people prefer the mainstream, even if they sometimes complain about it or pathetically try to swim against the stream.

Unfortunately, this community, in its aim to move outside of the mainstream - for 10 years - has been driven to be an insignificant niche, like an untouched tribe in the forest. I am a western explorer, and you are no longer an untouched tribe in the forest. It has been written, yet.

Please, do not waste my time with these futile cries. If you can provide support - good - if not or are not willing to - good as well, someone else will do - go to any club of your city to f"ck-up yourselves around, a better time spent as far as you can afford it.

Exactly that seems to be the problem: you don’t get involved in arguments but jump with an unbelievable self-assurance to the keys, just to dig up some obscure quotes from Machiavelli (but it’s interchangeable, could also be from Ayn Rand, Friedrich Nietzsche, Obi-Wan Kenobi or Sören Humperdinck, the main thing is that it sounds smart and worldly) and write it down here. [EDIT: Of course, the philosophers are not entirely interchangeable. Machiavelli has the advantage of having an outlaw and bad-boy aura, which fits the image of rebelliousness you want a little better than Obi-Wan Kenobi.]



Damn, I did it again. I am weak.


Most threads closed now are either related to the russian-ukranian war or were opened by a particular user who tends to flood the forum with endless but pointless threads so I would summarize the mechanism seems to work pretty well:)


Sometimes after one click? Alright, that does not sound too bad. Maybe we should make the click a captcha, just to be sure someone does not accidentally click on it and sees something he does not like? I mean its protection, right?

Non player characters are exhausting.

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I found inner peace and calm.

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  1. I recognize that Jolla marketing department did a mistake if they really were that bold. However, it’s stated very clearly that the software is in beta stage without official support from Sony, we all know what it means regardless what marketing says
  2. You just said that we should be free to express ourselves and you tell me to keep my mouth shut? What’s wrong with you?
  3. Behave like an adult please

I asked you twice and I did not want to ask you once more, but obviously it’s not just me feeling uncomfortable.
So I want to ask you once more, to be a little more polite to the people around here.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

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This topic was automatically opened after 4 hours.

Good for you. Someone can explain me this, please

I have used the word please therefore I have been polite.