@jahonen @sledges In pootle, Swedish terminology for snooze says “snooze”. That is not Swedish, It’s not even “Swenglish” it’s pure English.
In my humble opinion terminology should be “slumra”.
My gut feeling says to use “Snooza”, the verbified Swenglish.
But “Slumra” is actually not a terrible translation - the question is if it in use for this purpose anywhere else… (i.e. describing the action to postpone the alarm, not just what the human is doing)
Edit: case in point: how to express “Snoozade alarm” in pure Swedish?
My choice would be “Slumrande alarm” and I think “Snoozade alarm” is terrible. Is it even correct?
Hi. My first post here, going head in.
…and now i will probably mess up;
Personally i prefer to use paus instead of snooze. Most my alarm have nothing to do with waking me up from sleep, but from work… Also - again in my opinion - the more correct word is “larm”, “alarm” is english verison, but have for ages been used often .
So if i would prefer “pausat larm”
I don’t consider the alarms to be slumbering, they have been snoozed, or indeed paused/postponed/deferred. I however, may be slumbering, or snoozing (where snoozar in Swedish implies specifically having deferred the alarm, but the English term is more generic). Do we have a different mental model here? “Snoozade (a)larm” is definitely correct, but might not be the best we can do.
I don’t mind my alarms having sleep terminology, even if i too use them for other things sometimes - but they don’t have to. However, i think we should follow the original here.
Interesting point that the term should be larm, not alarm. That would be consistent with what most people would say, i believe. SAOL makes no significant distinction though.
I think ‘slumra’ is a pretty good translation. I can’t remember what it is most often translated to.
Philosophic: I dont think we should translate, but simply write natively. In my work we always pausar machinery, processes, timers, loops whatever in many professions - never have i heard of slumra or snoosa except on phones and cheap electronics, which i think suffer from legacy of initially many years ago bad translations… If every kind of equipment should have its own word for pause it would be a mess!
As for no a in larm, the a is never there when joining words like we do in Swedish; i.e brandlarm, nivålarm, effektlarm, etc.
On the other hand, most phones i think use “snooze” i think, even /e/ i see now, and a rationale on that is that it is searchable as the english word.
I think most phone brands suffer this legacy. So… conform or use better Swedish ?
Both “larm” and “alarm” is linguistically correct but in some context “larm” can be confused with the actual hardware (hemlarm, trygghetslarm o.s.v.), therefor I think we should use “alarm”.
Have you come up with a solution for the “snooze” in Swedish? The translation deadline is today, so we will take in the translations tomorrow at the latest.
My vote is to do snooze-based Swenglish terminology now, keep the discussion going, and tweak it for the next round if needed. But i am also completely fine with deferring to the coordinator, and/or a majority.
I used “Slumrede alarmer” in the Norwegian translation. I am a bit curious if the event screen will “look good”.
The Swedish verb ‘snooza’ is in SAOL. I’ve never heard anyone saying anything else than ‘snooza’ when it comes to put an alarm of any kind on hold for a while, but I’m in favour for more Swedish words and would happily see ‘pausa’ (okay, that particular word is not very much more Swedish than ‘snooza’, but…
Snooza is in saol since 2003 only. Before that we did speak Swedish and used the Swedish word “Slumra”.
My point is, I don’t understand why we should replace perfectly working and well known Swedish words with swenglish, I think we should take care of our native language, and don’t give me the language development argument, because that’ not what it is, it is pure language liquidation.
But then again, I am old enough to have learned proper Swedish in school… before 1980 that is.
I’m not saying “slumra” is applicable to every snooze context in Sailfish, and neither is snooza.
“Ring mig sen”, “Senarelägg larm”.