SMS received time displayed has false timezone adjustment



When an SMS is received, the time displayed says “in 12 hours”. I am in NZ i.e. my TZ is 12 hours +1 hr daylight savings, from UTC.

e.g. A message is rx at 7:35AM NZDT.
At 8:53am, the sms screen shows the message time as “in 11 hours”

A message is rx Fri 6 dec, 1pm. SMS screen shows Saturday 2am.

Sent message times/dates are correct.
In the activity log of the contact page dates/times are correct.

It appears to me that it is taking an already local time in the message header, and correcting it as if it was UTC and needs to be corrected to local time.

I think this is a regression, I do not recall this happening long ago.








Carrier: 2degrees

I’m in New Zealand too but don’t have this issue. 10iii running Which carrier are you with? I’m on Spark.

Time zone settings: auto update, automatic time zone update.
Time zone shown as New Zealand, Auckland. Correct date and time displayed.

The only place I notice this is the SMS message list. Other places it is correct

What about changing the time zone to something else then changing back to New Zealand?

It would be interesting to try another carriers sim to see what happens.

Has this just started happening since daylight saving started?

I had a similar issue with Meecast where the lock screen info was showing the moon instead of the sun making me think it was 12 hours out. It resolved itself without me doing anything. I’m not exactly sure when it started but possibly around the time daylight saving started.

This time it started over daylight saving (1 Oct).
last summer it began around start of feb, and stpped with the end of daylight saving (7 april).

so this suggests it

  • requires daylight saving
  • began around 1 feb 24, perhaps with an update

Your theory makes sense. I wonder, is it related to 2 degrees or a glitch on your phone?

I have no idea when I did updates.
I does say to me that there is a timestamp in the message that is being displayed (rather than SFOS itself saving the time it received the message)

This would all be rather difficult to diagnose and fix, except that the history of messages in the address book, displays the correct time always. It is the message app that shows the incorrect values. Therefore the problem lies in the different formatting function used to display it in messages, and should thus be an easy fix, not requiring my carrier (2degrees).

I agree the fix shouldn’t require any action my 2 degrees.

Before a fix can be applied though, you need to know if it’s the way 2 degrees timestamp is handled or if its just a glitch on your phone. The fix will be different for either situation. Hence my question.

Not really.
The history works properly.
The history datetimes are always correct. Assuming that the history datetimes are correct for everyone, then the fix is to use the same formatting code in the messages pane as in the history. Knowledge of the root cause is not actually required i.e. they shouldn’t need to be me to fix it.

In that case your logic makes sense. :slightly_smiling_face: