Bare with me on this, as I’m not 100% sure how this thread works.
But, this is a request I put in ages ago (I can’t remember if it was here).
When dealing with long lists, for example, selecting locations in the weather app, there’s two double arrows at the right of the list and . When you tap one of these the list zooms to the top or bottom and goes blank until it gets there. If the item you want is in the middle of this list you either whizz past it or you have to scroll…scroll…scroll your way to it.
Would it be possible to implement a second icon with the two double arrows that either makes the fast scroll slower so you can still see the items as they scroll by, thus stabbing the screen to stop it as soon as you see the item you want? Or even implement scrolling one page at a time, each tap scrolling to the next page. Probably something like this = Slow scroll icons could be and and the single page scroll could be and rotated 90degs.
Any alternative ideas welcome.