You do not have to apologize. I was happy about any help. Now I have the solution and I’m sure others will too. Greetings and keep posting to strengthen our “SFOS Team”.
For me, situations is no longer woriking properly.
Sometimes it starts, but most of the time not.
When I started it from CLI:
QInnotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add__watch failed: No such file or directory
I’ve also tried @JacekJagosz with new service, but without help.
Restarting situations.service
shows me: Failed to restart situations.service: Unit situations.service not found
Output of:
systemctl status situations-sonar
Same message… Unit situastion.service could not be found
I not change to 4.5 but I have flash my old Sony Xperia 10 and will test it today.
The file /usr/lib/systemd/user/situations.service exist?
Maybe the restarttime is false now or we have to delete the line “After=ofono.service lipstick.service”
Here the text from file situations.service:
Description=Situation auto-start
After=ofono.service lipstick.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/harbour-situations2application server
I answer if I have test it on my fresh fleshed phone.,
It works for me. Follow steps I had made.
- new installing from Jollastore
- download sonar from here and installing this
- check sonarinstallation in situations settings under info
- switch off/on the settings
Looks ok… I’ll see if that is ok after few days
Hmm… so through night it hangs, and situations is not responding :-/
When I tried to kill and start situations app again, that icon still rools out and app is not started properly :-/