Situations-Sonar can not intalled on Xperia 10 ii

You do not have to apologize. I was happy about any help. Now I have the solution and I’m sure others will too. Greetings and keep posting to strengthen our “SFOS Team”.

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For me, situations is no longer woriking properly.
Sometimes it starts, but most of the time not.
When I started it from CLI:
QInnotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add__watch failed: No such file or directory

I’ve also tried @JacekJagosz with new service, but without help.
Restarting situations.service shows me: Failed to restart situations.service: Unit situations.service not found

Output of:

systemctl status situations-sonar


Same message… Unit situastion.service could not be found

I not change to 4.5 but I have flash my old Sony Xperia 10 and will test it today.
The file /usr/lib/systemd/user/situations.service exist?
Maybe the restarttime is false now or we have to delete the line “After=ofono.service lipstick.service”

Here the text from file situations.service:
Description=Situation auto-start
After=ofono.service lipstick.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/harbour-situations2application server


I answer if I have test it on my fresh fleshed phone.,

It works for me. Follow steps I had made.

  1. new installing from Jollastore
  2. download sonar from here and installing this
  3. check sonarinstallation in situations settings under info
  4. switch off/on the settings

Looks ok… I’ll see if that is ok after few days :slight_smile:

Hmm… so through night it hangs, and situations is not responding :-/
When I tried to kill and start situations app again, that icon still rools out and app is not started properly :-/