Situations application feedback

Hmm… Perhaps try running the server by hand from terminal

systemctl stop situations-daemon
/usr/bin/harbour-situations2application server

And then try launching the app from icon.

that doesn’t change things. Output is the same (besides the missing parts of the already startet daemon)

Jul 28 13:17:32 Xperia10II-DualSIM invoker[27567]: warning: enforcing sandboxing for ‘/usr/bin/harbour-situations2application’
Jul 28 13:17:33 Xperia10II-DualSIM harbour-situations2application[27607]: [D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
Jul 28 13:17:35 Xperia10II-DualSIM harbour-situations2application[27607]: [W] unknown:203 - qrc:/qml/application/Welcome.qml:203:21: QML ListView: Binding loop detected for property “height”
Jul 28 13:17:35 Xperia10II-DualSIM lipstick[14427]: [D] onCompleted:320 - coverActionIndicators created harbour-situations2application.desktop

Can reproduce.

Having a ‘disable sandboxing’ .desktop file makes the GUI launch normally.

Removing that, kill the server process, tap the icon → hang/loop at splash screen.

Close Gui, place the file again, kill server, tap icon - > works, but apparently with default config.
Loading backup config from file → normal operation again.

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Is it the same as the:


Because it fixed my problem once I added this line.

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I’ve updated the packages in github now with a couple tweaks:

  • Server checks if it is started as root, should exit if not
  • Server tries to uninstall sonar if it is able to connect to it
  • situations-daemon package should install a firejail whitelist file allowing connections to the server socket from jailed client

In theory, if one encounters the endless spinner with this version, at least a reboot should then fix it. And endless request to install daemon should be no more if the whitelisting works. Don’t know how to test it myself though since I never saw the problem. So someone please report back after trying.

And yes, the release number remains the same.

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@ hhaveri ,
Could you add the condition device locked/unlocked at some point?
Example: If device unlocked, start WLAN.

Sure - at some point. Helps if you can point me to the source of that information.

In the bigger scheme of things I’m planning to open source all the plugins, so it will be possible to contribute in code. But that’s unfortunately another loooong and biiiig UI refactoring away. Some other components of the application will be opened up before that…


First feedback:
Device XA2+ with SFOS
Procedure: Sonar uninstalled via the info at the old app and device restarted. Then installed the new application and gave the app all the powers. No expected request for a new service came. Both apps then probably start with the old “situations2application”.
Then I stopped both apps and installed the new service. Now the old app has lost permissions - the new app starts fine - but still need to check if the service is running at all.
Feels all flawless on my end so far. How can I activate the plugin GPS / or better activate all plugins. The bottom button does not work. I need the GPS plugin, because it should then automatically show me the app GPS info.
Edit: I rebooted the device once and entered the following:

[nemo@XA2Plus ~]$ systemctl status situations-daemon
Unit situations-daemon.service could not be found.

Furthermore, I have once filed a test entry (From time xx:xx → display very dark), but he has not dimmed the display in this time / the time that was set, but he has recognized that the App is active and pinned me a note above.
With the manual triggering medium arrow in the program also came the hint windows, but no execution.
If i will start the service in terminal, that is the feedback:

[nemo@XA2Plus ~]$ systemctl start situations-daemon
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ===
Legitimierung ist zum Starten von »situations-daemon.service« notwendig.
Multiple identities can be used for authentication:
 1.  sailfish-code
 2.  sailfish-fingerprint
Choose identity to authenticate as (1-2): 2
polkit-agent-helper-1: pam_authenticate failed: Authentication failure
Failed to start situations-daemon.service: Access denied
See system logs and 'systemctl status situations-daemon.service' for details.

…and another hint:
you can’t delete that:

Not sure what you mean by bottom button. Currently there’s no GPS action since I couldn’t (yet?) figure out how to activate GPS.

Hmm… currently the server expects the actual normal user account to be ‘defaultuser’ and not ‘nemo’. I wonder if that has something to do with the issues…

You need to be root (devel-su) to be able to start / stop the service

Look at the picture. At the bottom is a field with a text “Get all plugins” How can i do that? The button is now inactive. I think that is a function for later serve?

Same result:

[nemo@XA2Plus ~]$ devel-su
[root@XA2Plus nemo]# systemctl start situations-daemon
Failed to start situations-daemon.service: Unit situations-daemon.service not found.
[root@XA2Plus nemo]# 

Oh. It looks to me like you are running the Android version! Don’t do that on Sailfish - even if it may run many Android apps just fine :slight_smile:

Install one of the harbour-situations2application packages instead (choose a correct architecture, likely harbour-situations2application-3.3.285-285.armv7hl.rpm).

My mistake: I had both installed:
“situations_arm.apk” and
I will best uninstall both and then install only the .rpm.

Just updated my SFOS to via terminal.

What I find interesting is that at the same time Situations got downgraded. Is that normal?

Anyway, after that, updating back to latest Situations again I can see multiple server processes running like this:

8750 defaultu /usr/bin/harbour-situations2application server
9924 root /usr/bin/harbour-situations2application server

So this sort of situation (ahem) would explain many issues. Let’s see if I manage to find out why it happened…


Seems to work now - thanks for your help - I’ll continue exploring tomorrow

Function is fully given, but 2 things are still there:
During the installation, the daemon post-installation screen does not disappear. It does not seem to go any further at this point.
I then quit the app and then restarted it using the app icon. Then this prompt no longer came and after a check also ran the server and the app worked error-free.

More annoying, however, is the behavior when restarting the device. Everything previously configured is then gone and the app appears virgin again with the welcome screen.

Ok, I take your description as confirmation of the whiltelisting working. The problem there probably is that it does not apply to the already running UI. So the UI needs to be restarted.

I’ve now updated the packages in github again - hopefully last time for now.

  • Server now checks for “nemo” vs “defaultuser”. So perhaps after this change it does not anymore reset configuration after reboot for you.
  • Startup spinner has a 5 seconds timeout after which the daemon install prompt will always be presented. This should prevent issues with a connection to a possibly running old server instance blocking the whole update process.
  • Installing daemon should now kill all such existing server instances
  • After installing daemon, UI will exit if it cannot connect to the server. Unfortunately it is up to the user to restart the UI.

Now the function of the app is error-free. A small adjustment to the export function (nothing is exported) would complete the package (it didn’t work here with the old app either). Device: XA2+ (with ‘nemo’ as user).
Thank you for this great app.


Agreed about the backup file location.

It would be good if the default was ~/Documents/situations, or even better StandardPaths.documents, with the Documents permission requested for sailjail.

@hhaveri thank you so much for investing the time to update and fix this! Really really appreciated!


@hhaveri, will we need to uninstall this version when it will come “officially” in Shop?