Hello, I want to ask about two missing work arounds in the situations app.
I solved the following work arounds which not work before but two I can’t solve alone. The first 4 work arounds I will share also here:
Play a sound for every Profile with command line - solved
paplay /home/defaultuser/Music/Situation/xxxx.wav
switch ON/OFF mobile service per command because the official function in situations work not longer – solved
sudo dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --system --dest=net.connman /net/connman/technology/cellular net.connman.Technology.SetProperty string:Powered variant:boolean:false
sudo dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --system --dest=net.connman /net/connman/technology/cellular net.connman.Technology.SetProperty string:Powered variant:boolean:true
switch ON/OFF aliendalvik service in the night per command line – solved
sudo /usr/systemctl stop aliendalvik.service
sudo /usr/systemctl start aliendalvik.service
- new file under
/etc/sudoers.d/my-personal-settings - add follow line:
%defaultuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
or only
defaultuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl
defaultuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/klillall
switch ON/OFF GPS with command line – solved
install gpstoggle from OpenRepos.net
gpstoggle location=1
gpstoggle location=0
kill or close an android app and also the open app cover from it – no solution
I try:
sudo killall de.blitzer.plus
but android restart this process again and the app cover will not close
What can I use to close an app like the button in settings or the close “X” in switcher?
I was searching also in some lipstick files and found this line:
apkConfiguration.call("forceStopApp", ["de.blitzer.plus"]
But I dont know how can I use this! A restart from aliendalvik works but this is not a good solution If I use another navigation app and make a stop on the trip. -
Disconnect my Amazfit GTS in car mode separate with command and not switch off hole Bluetooth – no solution
Why I need this? Because the connection to a watch will kill the dealer functions from the car and I can’t take a call without the phone touch display. The microphone and the speakers work but the wheel switches do not work. If I disconnect the watch in settings, I can use all cell functions.
Now I need a command to switch off a special BT-device maybe at the MAC address…
The BT device had the name “Amazfit GTS” with MAC-adress: “D1:6C:9F:4F:9B:9C”.
Maybe here are specialists with more knowledge as me. Thanks for all ideas!!!