I am tring to get Any Linux GUI to work with folding keyboard, I heard best option is Containers - from Chum. But I can’t start any, by pressing Allow. Do you know any other way? Esspecialy for programing tools like Anaconda, VSCode, Python, Scifi and Numpy, etc. Also maybe Foliate
Do i need to run some commands first?
For me only ubuntu was working with gui. It also says that gui only works with debian based distributions, but i couldn’t get others to work. Arch would be very nice
There is a long thread concerning linux distros on top of sailfisg on talk.maemo.org
Maybe you find something there
thanks @davidrasch, your Answer are clearly, and not hurting me
Few days ago i get Bible Linux as a Christmast gift! This forum looks actually fine! Hope I’ll find a way, making me be constantly satisfied for staing long as SailfishUser
Contaners - actually it is alive app, anyway? Or shoud I give up… UPDATE: Restart was needed! In my phone safetly, becouse i feel bad at keep security?
Did you read the apps readme on github? Simple Installation seems not to ve sufficient, there are some extra steps in terminal:
Yes i checked it. I ask a little bit to much, becouse i just need any user advices before run
I will be back with qestions about specific Linux software, Ubuntu should be good