Silence at night - on aarch64?

Switched from Xperia X to Xperia 10 III - and figured out neither the “Night Silence” app nor “Situations” are available, probably because the Xperia 10 III is aarch64.

Is there any way to automatically stop the phone making any noise at night (and automatically set it to “loud” in the morning again)?
Is the source code of “Night Silence” somewhere available?

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Situations runs just fine on aarch64. Not sure what the problem here would be.

You may also try Ringing Restorer (but I have never used it).

Alternatively, one might simply use a pair of systemd services/timers:


Description=Do-not-Disturb mode toggle

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dconf write '/lipstick/do_not_disturb' 'true'


Description=Do-not-Disturb mode toggle

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dconf write '/lipstick/do_not_disturb' 'false'


Description=Do-not-Disturb mode Activation

OnCalendar=Mon..Fri 23:59
OnCalendar=Sat,Sun 01:15



Description=Do-not-Disturb mode Deactivation

OnCalendar=Mon..Fri 06:30
OnCalendar=Sat,Sun 08:30


After creating these:

systemctl --user daemon_reload
systemctl --user enable dnd-deactivate.timer
systemctl --user enable dnd-activate.timer
systemctl --user start dnd-deactivate.timer
systemctl --user start dnd-activate.timer

Thank you @nephros , should the second service be called dnd-*de*activate.service ?


That is true, fixed now! :slight_smile:


You’re right: Situations is available in Jolla Store. My bad. Thanks!

Then you can simply use ambiences to automatically stop the phone making any noise at night. :wink: That way the silence mood also gets very visible.

If I did this, and manually set volume level to 10% will the deactivate set volume (back) to 100% (I’d guess not)

It should not affect volume either way. It has the same effect as activating Do not Disturb in the Settings UI.

right, I have this “problem” where setting ringtone to 0%
manually via UI I cannot use (systemd -timed) script to unsilence (see below)

(this is related as I use it to silence at 22:00 and then unsilence at 07:00
(which does not work if manually set to 0%) – I hoped this could make a difference but naturally it doesn’t ;/ – the workaround is to “silence” carefully just to 20%)