Signal android App is failing

I have been using the Signal android app on my Xperia X with SFOS3.4 for some years now. It was working mostly OK so fare until the last update a few days ago.

The latest update stopped working after restarting the device. Trying to start the signal app takes some time but eventually it will just disappear without opening.

I am now looking for a way forward without loosing my signal message history.

One options is to reinstall an older apk. but trying that from the file browser fails with the message “App not installed”. I guess it does not like to downgrade as I never had an issue installing a newer version.

  • Does anyone know how to downgrade the APK from the command line?
  • Does anyone know how to save/backup my data without being able to run the app?
  • Does anyone have a solution to recover without data loss?

Any help, to recover is appreciated.

Thank you

Maybe it has to do with rights.

Please replace nemo with $USER. Now it refers to defaultuser. $USER will always give the correct reference.

/edit When you change file permissions, you have to restart your device to activate it. I unfortunately do not know of an easier way to achieve that.

Thanks for the response.

I check the permission of android_storage and found that it and all subfolder had nemo:nemo . So I changed it and restarted the phone.

Still no luck, with Signal though.

I made some progress on this issue after trying to get an a error message from ‘/system/bin/logcat -v time’ and ‘journalctl --follow’ → no luck, not a single related message.

By chance I turned my mobile data off and left home. Shortly after leaving I get a Signal message.
Trying around a bit I found that Signal will start when there is no Internet connection available.

So the workaround to get Signal (version 6.0.6) going is:

  • Turn off WiFi and Mobile Data.
  • Open the signal app or wait for SFOS to trigger starting the background service automatically
  • The signal app will now open
  • Wait 10 to 15 second
  • Turn the desired network service back on.

I assume that the issue is in the Signal background service as the app seems to crash in the instance when the message background service enabled is shown. I hope the Signal team will fix this issue in the near future.

May this be help full to other.

At least on Xperia X, Signal 6.1.4 is working again. This is most probably related to the following commit: Hopeful fix for crash on API 19. · signalapp/Signal-Android@f241a51 · GitHub